Harry Pov

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When I enter the room I see Lily with a scared expression on her face, probably realizing what she had just done. I keep looking between Jerry and Lily wondering how she got the gun in the first place. I think of what I could say to her cause she looks like she’s in some sort of a trance just staring at me.

“Hello Lily, I see that you were able to shoot Jerry here. I hope he didn’t wake you.” I say mean fully. I gave him specific instructions that he wasn’t allowed to enter her room unless she was under threat. I also just didn’t want him to rock her peaceful sleep, which is probably the most she’s ever gotten so far. 

She gives me a weird look and then starts yelling at me as I take a step over Jerry’s body. “What the hell do you want from me? Why did you kidnap me?” She yells at me scared and she raises my gun at me pointing it between my eyes. She looks at me seemingly trying to figure out why I kidnapped her and who I was.

“Lily, I know that you stole that Five thousand from me, and I know that buddy of yours, West was it, helped you out.” I paused as I saw that she was questioning how I knew about this information. “Don’t worry though darling, I took care of him,” I told her so then she would know what I was capable of. She keeps the gun pointed at my head as she says, “Why am I here then? Why don’t you just kill me then.” A single tear goes down her face. She quickly wiped it away before she thought I would see it.

I let out a small chuckle and spoke. “Oh sweetheart, there’s no need to cry. You’re only here because I know what happens in your foster homes, so I’m just helping you out. You can stop stealing from people like me, and I'll let you live with me, and live this luxurious life I have.” I say trying to convince her that I’m not trying to harm her so I
attempt to say it in a loving and soothing voice.

“Why would you do that?” she questions me. “Because beautiful, I know how much you hate this life. I’m just your one opportunity.” 
She lowers the gun as I am now facing to face with her. “How did you know what’s happening there? How did you know I took that money from you? I thought that West was supposed to turn off the security cameras, so I wouldn’t get caught.” She says mumbling the last part probably not wanting me to know that. I leave the room locking the door behind me to let her drown in her thoughts for the rest of the night. 

I go downstairs to talk to Lewis, Nathan, and Liam about Lily. As I go downstairs, I hear yelling, and laughing. They're all drunk great. I decided to join their cause, so why not. I take the bottle of bourbon and take a big swig of it. I like that burning sensation while it goes down my throat. After about half an hour was all drunk off our asses and passed out on the couch

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