Chapter One

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10 years earlier

"Kristin Watson, "I vaguely remembered the nurse said out to the quiet waiting room.

"Ah, over here! Come on Wil, come on Techno "my dad, Phil, says as he rushes to grab his bag and our coats. We followed the nurse through the halls of the cold hospital and through some thick metal double doors, then finally turning through the single door to my mum's room.

"Hullo mama, "I whispered as we entered the deadly silent hospital room.

"Oh, Wilbur! how are you? "Kristin says. I can hear Techno shuffle his feet in the corner, he was adopted and Phil says that he might feel a bit out of place.

"Hello dear, "My father said as he kissed her on her head, "Wil I'm just going to talk to the nurse, I'll be back in a couple of minutes. "I gave him a curt nod and he patted Technos back then left to talk to the nurse. "Techno, come here a moment would you, I want you to promise me something, "my mum says to techno so I back up to give him some space.

"Uh yes, what would you like? "techno says.

"I need you to take care of Phil for me, he's going to need someone so make sure Wil doesnt make things too hard for him, "she waves me over next to Techno and starts talking again "tell your father I love him, and I love you okay, both of you, your brothers okay, and brother are always there for each other? And Wil? "she looks to Techno and he walks away to the corne "Wilbur dont become your own worst enemy" huh? "wait! Mama what does that mean?! Dont go, I love you" her eyes closed then, a beeping noise fills the room and a bunch of nurses rush in, I could just barely hear my dad over the chaos. I saw him trying to push past the nurses to get to my mum, me, and Techno. Techno looks at me worriedly and I grab his hand. The next thing I registered was getting pushed out into the hallway with my dad, still latched onto Techno.

"Boys! What happened?! Is she ok?!" my dad said in a panic.

"S-she-she told us to tell you t-that she loves you." His face pales and the beeping stops as Nurses and Doctors rush out with Mama and my baby sister, Trinity, who Mama says is still getting big and strong.

Finally, one of the nurses walks back an hour and a half later and shakes her head at Phil I didnt understand it very well. "You guys stay put Ill be back in a minute, the nurse just wants to talk to me, ok?" I nod but Techno's face is blank showing no sign of even hearing dad.

When they came back, my dad's eyes were red like he had been crying. He grabbed Techno's hand and then mine and started walking out of the hospital, "Wait, what about mama and Trinity?" Something flashed across his face and he hesitated for a second "W-well talk about it when we get home, and were getting Trinity in two weeks." "I nod and Dadza lifts me into my booster seat.

I blink rapidly and realize I zoned out again, only to hear the therapist I was meeting for the first time calling my name, "Wil! Wilbur! Hello?" I then finally respond "yes?" he gives me a confused look,

"I asked you a question, would you like me to repeat it?" I nod as he jots something down on his clipboard "do you know why you are here today?" he says pen in hand, ready to write something down, good or bad depending on my answer. "Not exactly" I decided would be the best answer. "Okay, that's alright." he jots something down "Would you like me to tell you?" he questions,

pen still prepared to judge me based on my answer. "I'm okay?" I respond, although it sounds more like a question than I meant it to. "Okay, well how are you feeling about school, what year are you in?" oh that's not as bad a question as I expected it to be. "I'm in year 13, but fine I guess" he cocks his head to the side "oh, do you want to talk about it? Are you excited? Nervous, maybe?" I shrug, I don't like thinking about heavy stuff, I prefer the doom shack. The doom shack is where I go to write songs and cry, to put it simply.

"Well, what if I introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me?" It's easier than having to talk, so I nod "well, my name is Bad and I live with my partner Skeppy and my dog Rat" so he's a normal dude "uh, Skeppy and I are 26 and Rat is 5. I enjoy cooking and baking but Im especially good at baking muffins! Skeppy says that they're better than any bakery he's been to," This guy isnt too bad, he's pretty nice. "So that's a little bit about me, do you want to tell me a bit about you?"

I shrug, "Well, how old are you?" that question seems easy enough. "Im 17, going into year thirteen, but you already knew that. Sorry" he looks concerned when I say sorry but I was just apologizing for rambling "why are you sorry, you seem excited about year 13?" I nod "well, the school got a new really good music professor and a new really good music program along with him as well" he brightens up at the mention of music "oh! Do you like music? Do you play any instruments?" he smiles warmly well, "I play the guitar and I love music!" he smiles again, "That's really cool! Skeppy, plays the electric guitar"

he looks taken aback after finishing his sentence and his face contorts weirdly, it looks a bit like he needs a shit "do you not like the electric guitar?" I shrug, out of all the instruments in the world electric guitars are the vilest thing to ever exist. An alarm goes off from the desk where Bad was sitting when I first came in, he's now sitting on the couch across from me oh, that's the end of the session, I guess. "Well, I really enjoyed talking to you" Bad says

"yeah, you weren't as horrid as the other therapists I've met" He smiles triumphantly and quirks his eyebrow almost asking me to elaborate. He walks ahead to open the door for me. I see my dad sitting in those classic uncomfortable waiting room chairs, with the multicolored leather and the metal legs that attach to the arms with the hard plastic armrests on top. Phil smiles and stands up to grab his work bag. Bad walks over to Phil presumably to tell him what we talked about today.

When Dad and I get to the car, Phil is beaming "what's got you so happy?" his smile drops a bit but he answers "Bad said that you seemed to open up a bit when he mentioned music and after he told you a bit about himself, you looked to have relaxed a bit" I smile a bit, knowing that I made Phil happy. He pulls out and we leave to go pick up Techno from his fencing practice.

Techno pov

Im walking over to the bench to grab a drink of water when I hear my phone buzz inside my bag. I hold up one figure to Russ and Ash his cameraman, hes here cause were filming an instructional video for Russ' youtube channel, I pull out my phone and see a message from Phil saying that he and Wilbur are on their way to pick me up, I wouldve driven myself but Phil said that he could drive me.

I send a quick okay and walk back over to Russ so we can finish up filming before Phil and Wil get here. I purposely take an incorrect position so Russ can have an example, "pret, Allez" immediately Russ hits me on my chest and begins explaining to the camera what I couldve changed to prevent that from happening.

He walks back to me, corrects my footing, and then strides to get himself into position. This time I take the offensive position and within a second the blade of my saber has hit him. "This is why we call him the blade" Russ smiles at the camera and Ash points to his watch signaling that its time for me to pack up. I wave to Russ and he waves back and then continues with whatever he was explaining.

I throw my mask into my bag and grab my bottle. I walk through the doors to see Wil in the front seat and Phil waving at me. I get in and look at Phil then at Wilbur he smiles, "so, did you yell at this one" I say referring to his therapy appointment, I hear a loud sigh from the front seat, and then Wil starts to talk "No, Technoblade, I did not yell at Bad" Phil and I share a look of concern, ever since Wil's mum, Kristin, passed away he's dealt with some pretty heavy mental health after whatever she whispered to him that day.


1,552 words

Heyo everyone hope you enjoyed this first chapter of A Mothers Curse, this is a book that I wrote a while back and chose to rewrite and edit so Ive gone through it and gone pretty far so the next chapter should be up fairly quickly! Anyway go drink some water try and eat some food and have a great night/day!


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