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Well here I am at my school. The funny part is that it is a school just for sixth grade, go figure. What I really want to do is to read comic books about Deadpool, Deathstroke or Deadshot. But now I'm at this lame excuse for a school and I forgot to do my social studies homework. So another start of a "fantastic" day. By the way my name is Max Thompson.

Finally it was advisory. If you don't know what advisory is it's at the end of the day and it is sort of like a free period and we are allowed to travel around the school. So that is what I did I wanted to go talk to Alayna. But there is really no point because she probably doesn't notice me at all, well to rephrase no one really notices me but I am noticed when the person is trying to torture me. And if you don't believe I think you are about to. Matt and Marco are the ones that love to torture me and speaking of them here they come now. "Move it scrub" grunted Matt as he pushed me out of the way. I was about to run after him but Marco grabbed me from behind. The old run and grab manoeuvre and I fall for it every damn time. "Let go of me Marco" I demanded. But at that exact moment Matt came ramming into me. After that I fell face forward on the floor. When I got up I lost sight of them. Then the bell rang which meant the buses were here.

I finally got to my stop I walked out and strolled to my house. If you were not like me your parents would be greeting you back home. But if you are me the only thing that would be greeting you home will be birds because my parents are dead. Well actually I don't know if they're dead or not they left me when I was four years old. So then I decided to adapt or in other words take care of my self. In my spare time I train with blades and guns. You can say I'm an expert with them. When it was time for me to start school I just went in and said I was a new student. Bullied, tortured, and beaten up welcome to my life. I should tell you this for advice. Hurt those who hurt you times a thousand!

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