5. dinner

15 1 0

settings: olivers house
pov: third person

oliver and mateo sat down at the table. it was really awkward, not because of the kiss but the kiss had somewhat to do with it be awkward.

"so oliver, you have a girlfriend yet?" olivers dad asked. oliver expected the question. mateo looked between the two awkwardly.

"not yet dad, and please can we not ask questions like that with my friend over?" oliver said.

"ignore him hun, so how was school boys?" olivers mom asked. mateo smiled at this question. oliver looked at him and smiled.

"it was alright," oliver answered. mateo nodded. the two shared a look.

"anything interesting happen or just a normal day?" olives mom asked.

"just a boring school day," mateo said.

"so mateo i heard you help my son a lot in school, you got good grades?" olivers father asked.

"yea i do, i have all A's and B's sir," mateo said. oliver held in a laugh, it was funny hearing someone call his dad sir.

"you can call me dave," olivers dad said.

"oh ok," mateo said. mateo is a respectful kid, so calling other adults but their names is weird. he's used to calling adults "sir" or "ma'am."

"anyways, thanks mom for the food," oliver said. oliver grabbed mateos hand and walked to his room.

"what about our plates?" mateo asked. oliver looked at him.

"my parents will put them away," oliver said. mateo looked back and gave an uncomfortable look.

they reached olivers room. oliver closed the door. mateo sat on the bed looking at oliver with a guily look.

"mateo, why do you look so guilty?" oliver asked.

"i feel bad for just walking away like that," mateo said.

"mateo look at me, my parents don't mind," oliver said. he held mateos face. he stood in between mateos legs as mateo was still sitting.

"i- but- oli- ugh i can't even get words out correctly," mateo said while sighing.

"well good thing you don't need to speak," oliver said. he then kissed mateo, mateo obviously kissed back.

"i still feel bad," mateo said. oliver sighed. they heard a knock. oliver moved away fast. mateo freaked thinking he was gonna be yelled at.

"hey, since it's a friday does mateo want to stay or does he gotta be home?" oliver asked.

"um," oliver said.

"as long as it's ok with you my mom wouldn't mind," mateo said.

'another lie' oliver thought to himself.

"it's alright with me!" olivers mom said.

"then he'll stay!" oliver said. mateo nodded.

"alrighty then!" olivers mom said. she shut the door and walked away.

"i'll sleep on the floor," mateo said. oliver laughed.

"yea no, we will be sharing a bed, if that's ok with you," oliver said. mateo blushed.

"ok," mateo said.

"ok cool," oliver said. "i'll make you a place on the floor, my parents will question why were are sleeping in the same bed,"

*words: 490*

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