Chapter 21

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21: Rising Sun (1)Translated by:EatApplePies

Jung Yoon Ki finally submitted the lyrics and got confirmation from Yong PD, allowing the recording of the title song to go smoothly.

The title song name and album name was decided, and after that, they moved on to recording 'You' that will be included in the album. There was also a change in the composition of the album.

It was obvious that Jung Yoon Ki's recognizability will rise once < Student Rapper > starts to air. The company wanted to use that in whatever way they could. The idea Do Wook suggested at that moment was to produce and pre-release the intro of the song.

"Pre-release the intro?"

When he tossed that idea to Yong Soo Chul, who was worried about that part as the album's sole producer, he reacted immediately.

Perhaps because of his peculiar background and his natural disposition, Yong Soo Chul was more open minded than other composers. He immediately reacted to Do Wook's idea, which was about a half step faster than others of his time, and thought he could interpret it according to the trend.

Pre-releasing the intro was not a standardized method for idol group album promotion yet. However, if the intro is well made, it definitely has the power to make people listen to the entire KK album. It was his intuition as someone who was a PR employee.

This plan was also possible because they believed the intro would come out with outstanding quality. That belief came from their belief in rapper Jung Yoon Ki and PD Yong Soo Chul.

"Yes. I think it'd be good if we can showcase Yoon Ki's rap in a short but strong way."

"Hmmm... I'll have to think about it a little more, but it's good. That's the direction of what the company wants too."

Yong Soo Chul said he'll have to think about it, but that very day he started to look for beats to use in the album intro among the beats he had created. He felt around 50 seconds would be enough for the song length.

Additionally, he instructed Jung Yoon Ki to write a rap that will go well with the lyrics of 'Sorry but I love you'. Thanks to that, KK's debut album was becoming an album that was completed with a precise storyline.


Learning the choreography for the title song, the jacket photoshoot, the music video shoot, etc., were done sequentially yet simultaneously.

The schedule raged on nonstop. Every waking moment starting from when they opened their eyes, the members moved under Oh Baek Ho's instructions all day without any free will. Even blinking was determined by the schedule. Although they were yawning and rubbing their sleepy eyes all day, not one of the members complained.

It was because they were feeling the debut day getting closer and closer every day.

During that time, the < Student Rapper > broadcast started.

In the first episode, Jung Yoon Ki's performance was aired right away. Sites where hip hop fans gather were a given, but all sorts of communities were restless. They were all united in praise of Jung Yoon Ki. Even Jung Yoon Ki's past season performance was a hot topic, with many opinions stating it's a shame he only made it to Top 4.

On top of that, Do Wook's interview aired right before they revealed the results of the 1st place winner of the preliminaries.

The candidates Do Wook mentioned were Cadiate 20 and Candidate 26. The candidate he predicted to get the highest score in the first round of performances was Candidate 20.

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