The punishment (3)

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It was a few day's later. The wound had healed a lot but was still sensitive. Y/n woke up when she suddenly saw her mother next to her bed. 'Wh- what are you doing here?' Lesso looked at her and slightly tilted her head. 'What do you mean by that? Can't i look at my own daughter?' Even though it was a bit weird and she never acted like that before you sighed and said it was okay.

You got out of bed. Lesso was still standing there while you wanted to change. 'Mom? Can you go away i need to change.' Fine i'll wait outside ur room. You looked around your room and saw the others still sleeping. You changed into something business casual. When you were done Annadill has woken up. 'Where are you going?' She asked. 'I uhm don't know Lesso is outside.' Annadill remembered something from the other day and woke up Dot and Hester.

'Y/n when we fake but actually attacked you, Lesso said something about her child. Does this mean-' Before they could finish their sentence you admitted it, but you begged them to keep quiet since you don't want anyone else to know. They agreed and you went to Lesso who still was waiting outside your dorm.

'That took you long enough. Now come.' She took you by the wrist. By now you were taken to the bridge. This moment you realised what was going on. 'Wait no no no no no. I am not going to the school for good! Those Evers are disgusting!' You were doing everything in your power to not cross that bridge. Unfortunately lesso hold your arm very stern. 'Oh don't you think you are getting away with it you're going to be in this living colourful hell for a week. And don't try to discuss your way out of it every time you try another day wil come with it.' You sighed but didn't say a word because something wrong could come out.

Dovey was standing in her office when you arrived. 'Goodluck with her.' Lesso said when she closed the door and left. You looked around at this living hell thinking to yourself what the fuck am i going to do here. Dovey looked you up and down and said 'Why don't we do a little make-over before you attend your classes.' She did your hair but knew not to cross the line with the colour and stuff. It was simple but yet still elegant. 'Now for the dress i was thinking something loose hanging in a dark purple colour. Don't you think?' You nodded and she took out a stunning dress. Even though you're a Never

(This is the dress you're rocking it btw!) Dovey smiled 'I knew you Nevers still like some of our dresses!' You scoffed

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(This is the dress you're rocking it btw!)
Dovey smiled 'I knew you Nevers still like some of our dresses!' You scoffed. 'So here is your schedule if you don't attend one of your classes that will bring another day at our lovely school!'

You attend your first class which is beauty class. You were taught to smile. The class ended and you got a B which isn't bad for a Never. Now you were going to get taught in the blue forest. You already knew the blue forest due to your mom being safe. It was the end of the day and you lucky got a room to yourself. You decided to sneak in the Evil castle to let your friends know that you're safe and well.

It was late and you opened the door. You closed the door fast and to your surprise they were awake. 'Missed me?' Annadill was shocked. You explained everything to them and they were laughing at your punishment. 'So we will see you at breakfast with your pretty dress?' Hester asked. 'Yea yea make fun off me i'm going to my princess room again. You know thats the worst part of it the colours of it.' You walked out while saying that when you heard the cane. You run back in. 'Back so soon?' Dot asked laughing. 'HIDE ME NOW NOW NOW!' You were put in the closet and you made yourself small. Then when they were done and laughing really loud the door opened. 'Ladies don't you think it's time to sleep?' Lesso asked looking through the room. 'And maybe one of you can tell me where Y/n is. Don't try to lie to me because i'll see right through you. Dovey wanted to check up on her when oh she wasn't there.' She leaned against your closet door. You were scared knowing she knew exactly where you were right now she tapped the cane and indeed the door opened with you sitting small. 'Y/n there you are! Now your friends saw you, means they will have another day without you.' She smiled evil. 'Now if i were you come with me or..'

You followed Lesso since you knew you could get more trouble she took you to your princess room. Dovey was standing in your room and boy did she look mad. 'Now good luck little thing.' She winked at Dovey and Dovey let a small smile follow, but that soon changed when she looked back at you. 'I know you're a Never, but you now you are under my roof and my rules apply.' You sighed and nodded 'I'm sorry professor Dovey. I just wanted to let my friends know i'm safe instead that they were worried.' Dovey sighed but could understand your point. 'I know i need to stay a day extra and i will do so without fighting it.' Dovey was very surprised by your reply. 'You know Y/n im very surprised by your answer. Tomorrow you're not going to your classes you're comming with me we are going to do a little research.

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