Vampire (9)

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But what could she possibly mean with vampire? I guess it's for me to find out. Maybe she has powers like a vampire? Or did she like blood? Or does she mean that she is just a pale as a vampire. Or doesn't like the sun. But wait. That's my own mother we are talking about. I know a lot of her. Maybe just not enough? I walked back in to sit at the table. I didn't eat anymore because my mind was going everywhere. Just because of that stupid comment of dovey.

I got tapped on the shoulder. That is when i snapped out of it. 'Aren't you going to eat hun?' Lesso looked concerned. I looked at my plate with my food. 'Oh yea, i will eat it. Don't worry.' I ate my food. There were a lot of discussions at the table, but i didn't feel to join in them.

The day flew by really soon. It was now 11 p.m. But my mother was still working. 'Aren't you getting tired?' My eyes felt like falling down every second, but i just couldn't. 'No and neither should you. You know your punishment.' Suddenly it clicked with what Dovey said. Vampire's don't sleep a lot. Lesso looked at me with a evil grin. 'I see you are understanding slowly but surely what kind of punishment this is going to be. Oh and don't think you can fall asleep. Because i put a spell on you that you can only sleep when i do.'

This suddenly got a lot worser then i thought it could get. I didn't say anything as i perfectly understood what was going to happen. I wasn't going to be sleeping for a month. 'You can go to your dorm because i did lay out your clothing for tomorrow. And i am going to read.' That evil women. 'Fine, i'll go.' I walked to my room. Everybody else was already asleep. I could hear the snoring outside of the room. Like it was so damn loud. Damn i sleep in that room.

I decided to get in the bath because maybe that could make me feel more awake. It did, For an hour. and then tiredness hit me like a punch in the stomach. I did my hair as it should be done according to my mom. She did put down a outfit i liked.

Damn heels? She really wanted to torture me

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Damn heels? She really wanted to torture me. At least she didn't put me in a clown costume. Yet.

It was 5 a.m and i there was knocking at my door. I opened the door. 'Mother?' I looked at her. 'Didn't i tell you my mornings start at 5?' No mom you really didn't and i also don't get how don't have a burn out. Luckily because i was bored i had done my make-up. And was i already. Come we gotta get to Dovey. 'And no she isn't gonna give you coffee. You are gonna get through this all by yourself.' And there goes my plan. When we arrived at dovey's door she was still sleeping. 'Oh hell no.' I knew exactly what my mom wanted me to do. 'Yes you are now go or you will be in a clown costume.' Arrggg. Lesso opened the door with her magic so i didn't make a sound. I looked at her begging voor me to not do this. Dovey isn't exactly a morning person if you get what i mean. Suddenly a bucket of water was in my hand. And ice cubes. 'Sigh' i dumped the bucket over. I wanted to run but something or rather someone hold me on one spot.

'Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!' For fucks sake i was screwed. Suddenly i could run. And i ran. I ran for my life. But i wasn't the only one running she was running after me while my mother was laughing her but off. I ran out of the school for good towards the blue forest. I didn't know my way there but i also knew that Dovey didn't either

Lesso's pov

It was so fun seeing y/n dump that bucket of water and being frozen for a sec. I thought it would be funnier seeing Dovey be mad at her but then i remembered that seeing Dovey run after her would be much funnier. I saw them run through the school as i followed them. But then y/n ran into the blue forest. 'No no no no no!' Oh god this is bad. This is really bad. oh god no dovey?! They both ran in there now i have to find them.

Y/n pov

I am now in the woods with no fucking clue where i am. At least i was rid of dovey. Oeh flowers! I like flowers. You know flowers are nice. OUCH. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. 'AAAAHHHH THESE FLOWERS CAN BITE!!!' I was running again but this time screaming and bleeding. I fainted in the flower field and woke up at my room with dovey and my mom around me. 'You know karma is a bitch.' Damn did Dovey really say that. I looked at my arms and those plants can really play ninja fruit on me.

'Listen y/n you are still being punished and i need to go do my shit, so you are coming with me.' I stood up because i knew fighting it would give me more trouble. 'Good now come i don't wanna be behind.' I looked at her 'it's not like you are going to sleep anyways.' Stupid mouth. 'I see that as a challenge.' She says that with a smirk. damn it i fucked up once again....

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