The Truth Comes to Light

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The coffee machine beeped and Macaque poured the coffee into his mug then drank it then walked towards his living room and sat down on the couch has he mulled over the entire event that happened weeks ago. After waking Wukong from his sleep and giving him the antidote, they, mostly him, explained to him what happened when it appears she didn't even what happened after she got hit by the spell. Macaque didn't tell her everything because, reasons and mostly because the pain in his heart was still fresh, they sat there in awkward silence has her face was a brilliant shade of red and he was thankful that his face marking covered most of the flush on his face. She tried to apologize but he cut her off immediately, a tense and awkward atmosphere ensued between them has Wukong flushed and stiffly nodded then proceeded to leave after he reassured the others that he'll be alright and with a swift goodbye, he left.

The first few days were awkward and tense but slowly they managed to get back on track even though there was a hole in Macaque's heart but as long as Wukong stayed by his side, stayed his friend, eventually that feeling will numb due time, until one day, Wukong started to avoid him. It was unnoticeable at first, his excuses were valid but has the days passed by, he noticed that he was making up excuses as he goes and eventually just outright ignoring him or hide away from him. It hurts every time the king avoided him like he was the plague and the deprecating thoughts swirling around his head didn't help at all. He felt a spike of anger and jealousy whenever he sees her talking or interacting with the others or with her monkeys so casually and he couldn't help but reminisce when she was like that with him.

He chugged down the steaming coffee and proceeded to chuck the mug into a shadow portal then went down to his dojo to train and take out his frustrations. Minutes later, Mei and Mk burst through the doors looking a bit frazzled but beaming with excitement, judging by the large grins they both sported. He raised a curious brow has he watched them rushed towards him.

"Macaque, Macaque, Macaque!"

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He chuckled has he made his staff disappear and faced the two gremlins. "What's up?" He smiled at them and they seem to be vibrating with happiness or maybe they drank too much soda and he's got two sugar-high overpowered young adults, he hopes for the first option. Mk grinned wider and his eyes seem to sparkle. "Remember when Monkey King got hit by that love potion?" Macaque's mood immediately soured. "What about it?" He scoffed. "If that's what you want to talk about, then take it somewhere else kid. I'm not in the mood." He snapped irritatingly. He didn't mean to, but he was already feeling frustrated and angry, and this conversation isn't helping his mood either. Mk sheepishly grinned and rubbed the back of his head and Mei raised both her hands in surrender. "Okay we understand why you're feeling this way but hear us out! I swear you won't regret it!" She pleaded has both Mk and her gave Macaque pleading puppy dog eyes. He eyed the both of suspiciously then tsked then groaned. "Fine."

The two friends grinned happily has they cheered then Mk turned to face Macaque and went on with his story. "Okay as I said, when Monkey King got hit by a love potion and all of us were looking for the ingredients to make the antidote while-"

"While I was busy getting my heart broken, continue."

"You and I are gonna have a serious conversation about that comment after this but anyway!" Mk retorted that made Mei snicker and Macaque huff. "Mr. Tang discovered a hidden inscription in the book when he accidently actually it was my fault spilled his coffee onto a blank page in the book and it revealed more information about the spell and that there was another way to break it!" Mk exclaimed has Mei nodded happily and the revelation intrigued Macaque only in the slightest has he quirked a curious brow. "Okay but Wukong was already cured? So why are the both of you so excited about it?" They glanced at each other and their grins grew wider than it was physically possible has Mei explained.

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