Wish Upon A Shake

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I was sitting on the couch, sipping my hot chocolate, accompanied by an elf observing my every action with curiosity.

I did not believe in Magic. While others gushed over Santa and Reindeers from the North Pole, I simply buried myself amidst the pages of a novel.

Christmas was just another celebration to shape up my mundane journey. Unlike others, I barely had relatives to recieve gifts and wishes. Though it never bothered me, since I preferred isolation over melodrama.

Thus it actually surprised me to see a box at the doorstep with a message that made me choke with laughter. Thinking of it as a prank, I shook the snowglobe only to end up speechless and perplexed- and an elf beaming at my amusement.

"You're not gonna talk to me?" I pretended to ignore his conversation.

The least thing I'd ever expect was a mythical creature at my side and yet it was happening right before my eyes. Nonetheless, my logical mind forbid me from accepting.

"Don't you believe in Magic?" His question broke my trance. I had no choice but to respond.

"No and I know this is just a stupid dream" a sigh escaped my mouth as I placed the mug on the table when suddenly he pinched me.


"For not believing in us!! For not believing in Magic. For thinking that this is just a dream" his confrontation just made my blood boil.


"What if I tell you its not!!" he landed right in front of my legs, sneaking upto my face.

"What if I tell you that this is real?....Would you still back out?"

Minutes passed as I wandered over his thoughts. My eyes landed on his olive orbs, gleaming with expectation. However, his expressions literally annoyed me.

"Yes! I'm afraid I would" shutting the awkwardness, I stepped up, heading to my room, unaware of the little creature on my trail.

Just as I closed the door, he jumped onto the bed, startling me to death.

"Why the hell would you come to my room?! Who are you?? What do you want?! Why are you invading my privacy?!" Without any patience, I exploded at the creature.

"I am here to fulfill your wish!!"

"What wish?! I didn't wish for anything. Besides, its all because of that note. I never ordered for a snowglobe nor did I ask for any gifts! Why would anyone send me a gift in the first place??! That's just...stupid!!" My words might have been bitter, but facing the reality is much pleasing.

Part of me wanted to believe his words. Yet, such memories of the past, left me nothing but skepticism. I did not want to rely on anyone or anything.

No longer the girl fooled by everyone, I wanted to lead a life that only had me and myself along with my own perspectives.

"I know you didn't have great memories in the past but trust me, this is not a lie" his words took me by surprise.

"How do you know about my past? What are you??? A clairvoyant?? A stalker?? Dude, you're giving me creeps!!" He smiled at my confession.

"I'm no seer nor stalker, but a mere elf, pleasure to be at your service. Your wish is my command" his bow embedded courtesy.

"What do you mean? This doesn't make sense. Why me? I never believe in fantasy. I hate mythical stories about Santa. I barely trust anyone. I don't deserve any friend. Then why me?" I had no choice but to spill my heart out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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