chapter 1

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Skylar's Pov

"Okay,sir, that'll be £2.50." I flashed him a winning smile.

"there you go ......Skylar" The man said reading my name tag.

"oh, and here's you tip." A whole 2 quid, yes!!! 'ding' the cafe doors opened and a group of the 4 most attractive teenage boys i had ever seen walked,no swarmed in. They were all wearing dark glasses and looked entirely dissinteressted in the world around them. One of thenm in particular caught my eye, he was quite tall and had beautiful red hair, and an even mre beautiful face. I was pulled out of my little dream world by a clearly annoyed voice "Are we going to get our table or not? And for god's sake stop staring like that!"

It took me a moment to realize that it was the red-head speaking. 'he's not quite so attractive now' I think to myself. All the girls in the cafe who had been staring, so pretty muck all the girls in the cafe, looked away quickly. Clarrise patted my arm "your turn skylar! ive dealt with my share of obnoxious customers today" I groaned and walked towards their table with a fierce determanation.

when i was only a few feet away, the red-head started to say some other obnoxious comment "UGH! none of the waitresses here are even good-looking. I mean, did you 'see'-" "hello, My name is Skylar and i will be your server today!" I cut him in brightly. Red-head, The Idiot, looked like i just done the most terrible, unthinkable thing.

"what!? You can't just interupt me! Who the hell-"

"Can I intreast you gentlemen in a drink" I was smiling like a lunatic.


"we have an assortment of soft, fizzy, hot, cold and alcoholic drinks." I just kept talking, all the while The Idiot making sounds like "m...,but? and err." Throughout this entire event one of the boys, blonde, was watching us like a man watching a tennis game, with alot of bafflement and amusment. The others were sepressing laughter , exept from The Idiot of course, he was glaring at me as if looks could kill. After getting their orders down, i flaunced off, but i was still close enough to The Idiot to hear him growl "Shut up, All of you, NOW!!!" A tense silence followed.

Micheal's pov

WHAT. THE. HECK. JUST. HAPPEND? "Shut up, all of you, NOW!" A low growl escaped my lips. Silence, the group were staring at me , all laughter gone. "dante, Ash, Damon....if you dare start laughing, i swear to god that i will kill you" Again silence. Eventually, Dante ran his hand through his blonde hair and said "Micheal, calm down. Seriously, we were just laughing at your reaction." I frowned. Exhaling, Damon said "what Dante means is that normally you'd just punch her in the face and leave, and well we were suprised when you didn't"

I was eondering that myself. I mean, normally I would have punched the stupid brat in the face and stormed off, but for some reason i just sat there and let her completly undermine me. 'Just ignore it Micheal, Just ignore it' I look up to see the rest of them staring at me expecantly. Ashtons eyes lit up "OH. MY. GOD! Micheal you like her, dont you?" I glared at him "ASHTON, you little peice of sh- You know what? SCREW THIS!!" I threw my chair backwards and stormed out of the building, shoving anyone stupid enough to be in my way. Ofcourse i didn't like her, I mean yeah she was hot, and she...'ugh stop!' i was 99.99% sure i hated Skaylar's Guts.

I needed to clear my head, calm down, I was angry. Angry at her, angry at them, angry at me. But that brat's nerve, speaking over me and treatng me like i was a nothing more than a cockrouch in her peripheral vision. I should have beaten her up on the spot, but why didn't I?

I sat down on a swing in the park and breathed deeply. Tomorrow , I'd be going back to my sorry-ass exuse of a boarding school. Hopefully there i could forget about not onlt Skylar, but my entire summer. I might even be able to befriend the new girl and show someone that im not i wansn't a bad person. The first impression always counts.

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