Chapter 21

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Picture of Joe on the top

I finally got home, feeling the pain in my legs raising up to my upper body. Holy sh*t, today was awesome.

After what felt like months, I finally decided to try figure skating again. I blew it, because of a certain person. I just connected too many thoughts to this sport.

But after Joe finally gave me a last push into the right direction, I realized that I was acting like a little kid, afraid to fall off a tree again.

I barely walked up the stairs, wincing with every little step I took. I really need to work-out again, otherwise I will start my last year in school in a wheel chair. My coach decided to push us to our limits. Well, in my case, that limit was reached very fast. I would have never imagined, that just three weeks of hanging around doing nothing, would affect my physical shape so badly. I had like nearly no endurance anymore, wasn't as flexible as I used to be and everytime I tried a new skill, I would slip and fall down. I was such a great entertainment for all the other girls.

Kylie told me, that when I didn't come to practice, nearly everyone was relieved, because they wouldn't have any rivals anymore.

Kylie was kinda my new best friend. Her mother got a new job in my hometown, so they decided to move here. She lived in Manchester before. Kylie and I met in the towns library. We were actually both searching for the same book, which happened to be untraceable. We started chatting and went for a coffee. That's how our friendship started. She's really nice, actually she's the nicest person I've ever seen. She is not able to think anything bad about a situation, always listens to me and gives the best advice. We rather spend our weekends hanging around than going out, drinking mercilessly.

Just as I fell down onto my bed, the doorbell rang. I sighed, not wanting to get up.

"Leon, get this!" I shouted, knowing my brother was just down the stairs in the living room, playing CoD.

I heard him smashing his controller onto the table. He must've lost a game again. Poor brother.

Whispered words flowed up the stairs into my ears, but I couldn't understand anything. Just as I was about to get up, footsteps made its way up the stairs. Turning my head towards the door, I saw Joe smiling at me. He came over almost every day since we've gotten home. He and Kylie were the only ones keeping me from checking my phone, always disappointed when there was no message from him.

"Exhausted much?" he asked, cocky. Just that one sentence and the way he spoke made my blood boil in my veins. But that's what I liked about Joe. He could be cute the one second and a complete ass the next. He is my calming spot but also the one, I try to punch, when I'm angry.

"You were the one, skipping practice, so shut up. I bet you took a girl out, only to lay her, am I right?".

"Nah, that'd be typical me. I kind of wanted to make it interesting and change my reputation. So no, I wasn't skipping practice for a quick lay, I actually planned a suprise for my new best friend." he said cheerfully. My smile faltered, thinking about how he had replaced me this soon. I knew I wasn't the best friend when it came to talking about girls, but I always tried to make him happy.

But sometimes the best just isn't enough.

I turned around, not wanting him to see my disappointed look. "Oh okay, so have fun you two."

I waited for him to close the door and walk away. Instead I felt my bed going down beside me and I was engulfed into a big bear hug.

"Aw Aimes, I was talking about you. No need to be in doubt with yourself. You are my only and truly best friend. I couldn't think of any smarter, more beautiful and more humorous person than you. Gosh, I so lo- like you!"

I laughed a little and tried to break free from the hug. I surely realized the last part, but I just didn't want to think about it. Joe and I were never going to happen, he's too much of a player and just out of my league. He would never see us as more than just friends, and I don't know, why this is making me a little bit sad. Oh and he found a new, annoying nickname for me, which only he is allowed to use.

When I finally broke free, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, which he responded with a blush. Giving him a little "aww" tone, I pinched his nose and got up, walking towards my closet and searching for an outfit. I didn't even know, where we would be going, but it was late September, so I would go with something warm and comfy. I pulled out my beloved blue sweater and grabbed my pair of chino trousers.

Just as I was about to go into my bathroom, I became aware of the pain in my legs. Screaming in pain, I reached for my closet, missing it, and fell to the ground, face first.

And Joe, the gentleman he is, decided to watch me and laugh as loud as he could. I myself was nearly crying, because it felt like someone was amputating my legs without giving me any anaesthetics.

After, what felt like hours, Joe decided to calm down and help me to get up. He lifted me up and sat me on the bed. He then put my clothes back into my closet, leaving me stunned and a little bit embarrassed. He just had seen my oh so famous collection of bras, going from neon pink to animal print to innocently white. I felt my cheeks getting hot as he grabbed the zebra-printed one. Searching for something to throw at him, my hand gripped onto a package of plastic. I picked it up. It was a DVD. The title read "Frozen".

"OH MY GOSH!" I screamed, looking at him with a big smile plastered onto my face. This was my favourite movie and even though I've seen it like a million times, it still sends waves of joy through my body.

"Well baby girl, I never said that I planned something outside."

The word "baby girl" somehow got my heart to beat a bit faster. I silently cursed myself for that. Joe went downstairs, grabbing a bowl of popcorn. The smell of butter made my tummy growl and that's how I realized, how hungry I was. He also brought a big can of chicken wings. Joe just knew me too well.

He put the DVD into the player and as soon as the first tones of the music were heard, I felt myself looking only at the TV with a big smile and felt like a little kid, going to Disneyland for the first time.

Joe sat down beside me, pulling me towards him, so that I was laying on his chest.

All I did was staring at the screen, eating popcorn and not realizing, how his heartbeat had speed up and how mine did as well, as we sat there in silence, cuddling.


Hey loves!

I know it's been a long time since the last update, but I didn't actually want to update this story anymore. But after lots of thinking and you lovely guys commenting on this story, I decided to keep writing the story.

I'm still having exams, so the updates will be slow.

love you! x

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