Part 2 When can I start

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IT couldn't control his ability to kill, he didn't know how it was happening. But he wasn't scared of his ability to kill, he was proud of it.But he would soon learn what caused him to be like this. IT was in the orphanage for five years without being adopted, but he didn't mind that he wasn't being adopted because in the orphanage he was the popular kid, he was a bully. IF anyone would see him in the hallway or even see him in the corner of the eye they would go away instantly.Even the head people of the orphanage were scared of him. Everyone was basically scared of him, he loved the fact that he had that scare to people. He would stand on the cafeteria table, eat other people's food, and do pranks on people.

But all that came to an end when Vlad, a serial killer, came to adopt IT. He wasn't going to let the man just adopt him, he gave the man a fight. The man spun him around three times and laid him on his butt, he still tried to fight after that. He gave up and realized that he had powers too, he thought that just them having the ability to do something was weird.Vlad made a deal with IT that he would tell him the truth about himself if he could adopt him. It was a deal and IT got adopted by Vlad.

They drove for hours until they stopped at an old gas station, it looked like no one had been there for years. They parked beside the gas pump and the wind started to get strong and it started to form into a swirl, the swirl started to get bigger and wider and looked purple on the inside,until the whole car went in the swirl. It was complete darkness the whole way through, IT woke up in a bed that was dirty looking and smelly. Vlad was working at a desk that had lots of paper on the walls and desk. IT was fascinated with all the images, Vlad told him that this is like the wall of fame for all the serial killers.IT asked him if he was a serial killer, Vlad told him he was and was about to tell him why until there was a big stump. Vlad told IT to be quiet, and told him that it was the stump killer. And that it would come to stump someone if they were in site. IT was confused as to why it had to do that, Vlad being to tell IT the story of how it all began.

There were twin brothers whose names were Mack and Sam, who fought like crazy and disagreed on a lot of things. They did this everyday until their parents had enough of their fighting and sent them both to the worst eternity school for bad kids. When they found out that they were going, they both agreed that they did not want to go, something they finally agreed on.But that still didn't stop their parents from sending them there. The brother's were placed in a different building, and each building was different from one another. But the only time they could see each other was when it was time for lunch in which both building's share a cafeteria. Sam was out of it and not himself. So Mack asked what was wrong and he just said that something was wrong with the place and he wanted to leave. Mack knew something had to be wrong with the place because Sam never got like this and was not himself.So Mack tried to break out of his building and to investigate the building his brother was in. He got in the building and saw the putting these helmets with lighting coming from it on the kids head, you couldn't hear them scream once the helmet was on their heads. It was like they were n't the same people once the helmets were on their heads. But as soon as Mack was about to leave a nail dropped on the floor and it got the attention of the adults, so Mack had to hurry and get out of there before anybody would notice that he was gone. Lucky he made it out in time before anyone knew, the next morning Mack was called in the front. The lady asked him did he know why she called him to come with her and he answered no, she then began to say that his brother needed him. So Mack thought nothing of it and went alone with it, he saw his brother and started asking why he had a helmet on his head. She gave him an ultimatum whether he told the truth about being in the lab or his brother dies, he told the truth and she still killed his brother.

He crused the building to have serial killers for all the people and their family who were the cause of his brother's death for centuries; he soon died of sadness. Those words still had a big impact and was said for it to go on for centuries until he could bring his brother back.Even if they wort cruise with his words and cruised by someone else, they then would have to be taken back to the underworld to find their destination to be a serial killer by someone who would guide them. IT wanted to know who crusied him,but Vlad wasn't quite sure if IT was ready to know who did, but he still told him still. He began to say it was his mother, who died in the process of trying to protect him from the world and what it did to her. IT looked at this as an honor and wanted to know his destination as a serial killer.And still wanted to know why the stumpers would try to kill its own kind of people.

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