Part 6 I forgive you and i'm sorry

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The queen was upset and didn't talk to the king until he apologized to Lily. He went to knock on the door and Lily didn't answer, so he started to go in her room and she wasn't in there. He instantly sent all his guards to find her. The queen was worried and wanted to go with the guards, but the king only said if she went she could go so they went together. They found her in the hospital with IT, they both were laughing and talking so they pecked around the corner to hear what was going on." I'm sorry that my father did this to you. I never met for you to ever get hurt."But I also told you that this would happen because I'm a princess of royalty." It's all my fount,"it's not your fount I knew what I was getting myself into when I met you, but you were like no other girl I met, the moment I saw you I fell in love instantly."But you no what you were right about one thing,"What is it"?"You are the princess of royalty, so you need to get back soon before they come back and I end up in another hospital bed or worse". "I'm not leaving you,but I do have an idea, we could run away"."No that's crazy they'll come looking for us"."They won't we'll go somewhere that they can't find us i'll make sure of that, even if that met not beginning in touch with my mom, she at least did know what I was going through."But I love you to much for you not to see your mom," don't worry she'll be find." Soon enough her parents both heard what was going on, and the king went to talk to her. He told her he was sorry that he made her feel that way and that she could see him anytime she wanted as long as she did all her lady duties and didn't run away. They both hugged and her mom joyed the hug so did IT.

IT soon after made a good recovery, but he didn't just go back to killing, he went to see Lily. He wasn't ready to tell her his real identity yet he just wanted to take his time getting to know more about her.

IT and Lily begin to get more closer to one another and one day IT really wanted to make it official with Lily, so he confessed to being a serial killer. Lily didn't look shocked; she looked like she already knew that he was a serial killer. She told him she knew, and was going to see how long it was going to take him to tell the truth. He was shocked that she knew but was happy that it was out now rather than later. That's what made their relationship more stronger, they been together for months until IT decided to pop the question. He was going to marry Lily, but it put that acrossed her father to also get his blessing, he said yes to his blessing. But there life was about to change,

Lily found out she was pregnant. She was so scared to tell IT but he was happier than anything.

He felt like this was his opportunity to ask her to marry him.So he asked her to marry him and she said yes.

They soon moved out of the palace a month later,

Lily's parents bought them a mansion with everything decorated nicely on the inside, and she still got her monthly allowance of five hundred thousand dollars every month. So when IT would be killing Lily's parents would always be over there helping her with the pregnancy.

One night when IT and Lily was sleeping, she woke up having bad contractions and was yelling so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear her. But it woke IT up, they rushed to the hospital and the king and queen flew all the way there. The labor lasted for 18 hours 26 minutes and 5 seconds, even though it was a long labor, a baby girl named Ava was healthy and born into the most famous and richest family alive. After the baby was born the king and queen wanted the baby and Lily to come back home with them for the time being, knowing that IT had to go back in season for killing, they even said that IT could come back with them before he left for his killing season, and to spend time with the baby.

So they all did go back to the royal palace and things had changed.Her grandparents spoiled her to bits as soon as she got home, Lily was enjoying it because she got to rest and heal. Soon Lily and the baby left the palace to go back home.IT was supposed to have come back home by the end of his season but he didn't,

Lily started to get worried and called her father to see if he could help. So he called some people and they said that they didn't know where he was.So the king had no choice but to tell her that they didn't know where he was. It was like a ticking time clock waiting for IT to come back, but soon enough he came back but with Vlad. Lily was shocked, IT started explaining how he found him. He was at the fair where I first started killing and he was weak like someone had left him there. " I want to know who did this to him,"but how would we find out who did this to him if he wanted to even tell us anything?" I don't know but we have to do something about this because he's been gone for too long."And tell your father to get in contact with all his people.."

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