5.5. Oversight

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A calm breeze blew past her hair and she could feel the soft foam that her bed was made with. Her alarm clock was blaring its default sound which annoyed her to the extent she got out of bed and turned it off. "Good morning, wanna go back to bed? I know I do."

She went into her bathroom and picked up her toothbrush, humming a tune as she gargled mouthwash. "Good afternoon, you feel like going out."

"Making pancakes, making baking pancakes." She shook her hips as she made breakfast for two. "Good evening, the kids are watching a movie ."

What she was currently doing was a habit she had learned back in the day, Her husband came home unexpectedly each time so she recited a greeting to tell him each time he walked through the door. Or climbed through a window.

"Good night, let's turn off the lights." She went toward her son's room, he had caught the Spanish flu on one of their travels and since there was no medicine for it she had to use traditional methods she had learned from her grandmother. "Hey buddy, you drank the tea I brewed you?"

Vladimir tried his best to nod but he couldn't, "No worries buddy, mommy's got you." She changed his Iv(Drip) and walked into her dining room to eat.

She was somehow immune to the flu, no matter how long she stayed near him she never got any symptoms but she still washed her hands to eliminate all risks of giving it to Rob when he came over.

"Good morning, wanna go back to bed? I know-" Yuliana heard a window break and even though she knew it might've been Rob, it came from Vladimir's room. She ran.

"Rob that's the wrong win....dow." Yuliana dashed into the room to warn Rob but she saw her husband with a knife that was currently lodged in her son's neck. "Rob. What are you.... doing honey."

Rob dashed at her and before she could make a move to run away the same knife that was lodged into the neck of her son was inside her torso. "Why would you.... do this." Yuliana fell and coughed up blood.

"I love you Yuli."

She heard Rob walk out the door and she just lie there on her back, knife in her torso and a warm liquid on her back. "Hehe...."


A cool wind blew past her hair and she wanted to relax a bit more, this truly was a magnificent bed. The alarm was going off and she stood up and turned it off. She had a nightmare that ended in her getting stabbed by Rob but that was all it was, a nightmare. "Good morning, wanna go back to bed? I know I do... Hmm, something feels off."

She walked into her bathroom and picked up her toothbrush, humming a tune as she gargled mouthwash. "Good afternoon, you feel like going out?... having the weirdest sense of deja vu for some reason."

"Making pancakes making baking pancakes." she shook her hips and as wanted to recite the third greeting she felt a memory click. "Broken glass and a knife. Vlad!"

Yuliana ran into her son's room and he was fine, she changed his IV(Drip) and walked back to the kitchen to eat. "See you later Vlad." As she came out of the door closing it as she left she felt something enter her chest. RED.

"I love you Yuli."

"Rob..." She looked at Rob, who stabbed her with a knife. "I've been... Here before but..." She coughed up blood and her mind went blank.


She burst up from her bed, that wasn't a dream. She ran into her kitchen grabbed a knife and then sprinted into Vladimir's room. He has come from the window and from the door, those were the only two entrances into her son's room and she was ready for him. "C'mon cocksucker, I love you but I'm not gonna die."

"I love you Yuli," A hand outstretched from under Vladimir's bed and a knife entered her torso again.

She couldn't react fast enough and again her life ended, on her back. With a warm substance touching her skin.


She wasn't counting but this was probably the 50th time today she had died. Each time the knife enters her stomach she feels it stab an organ before she eventually dies.

"Good morning, what a fucked up morning."

She had tried everything in her power but there was no way out of this nightmare, she tried leaving the house through the door but immediately she came out she was stabbed, she tried the window and she was stabbed. She tried putting metal plates on her stomach but he still found a way to stab her through it.

"Good afternoon, what a fucked up afternoon."

Out of all the 50 times she had died by a stab to the torso she had never lived past the first ten minutes of waking up, that was how it was. She looked at her alarm clock, she hadn't turned it off by herself but it had already stopped beeping. "Good evening, Here he comes."

She raised her arms and a knife stabbed her in the torso again, she had tried to grab Rob's arm but the strength of the retired assassin was too great.

"Good night, see you tomorrow."


She knew how her life was going to end so she wasn't going to be hasty, she didn't want to get out of bed because she knew at some point she would die on this bed. "Why is this happening."

"It is your punishment." Ikarus said from across the room.

"You vile god! what kind of punishment is this? You trapped me in a death loop."

"I gave you what you wanted no? the ability to know the future. Now that you know that Rob will come to kill you, how would you act?"

"Leave my son out of this. he didn't do anything to you."

"You're the only one here, Mrs. Petrov."


"And don't get too comfy, a knife won't be the only weapon he would use to kill you. Some would be more... Imaginative."

A Chainsaw -20
A Stalactite -30
A Knife - 60
A Gun -10
A garrote -20
An Axe -30
A bomb -5

These were the number of times that she had died and what weapons killed her, at some point she started killing herself before Rob came but after the third time. She could not hurt herself, the god had placed a restriction that allowed her no self-harm.

She was stabbed, strangled, blown up, shot, butchered, mauled, and beaten. The worst part of it was that all of the torture she endured would be reset by an alarm clock. "Please, save me little brother."


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