Chapter 3

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Yunjin huffed as she slammed her car door shut, walking towards her high school anxiously. Last night had definitely been...Interesting, to say the least. Yunjin had spent the majority of her evening with Yoona, but she had no idea what to feel. On one hand, she knows she's straight and she has no feelings towards Yoona at all whatsoever, but on the other hand she can't help but shudder as she remembers the amazing things Yoona did to her body. The brunette played Yunjin like a finely tuned instrument and Yunjin couldn't help but sing the composed tune.

Thoughts on Yoona and what occurred between them flooded her mind as she walked through the school doors, her eyebrows furrowed together as she lost herself in thought. She worked on autopilot as she walked to her locker, turning the dial to unlock it and pulling it open, only for it to be slammed shut again.

"What do you want, Haewon-unnie?" Yunjin sighed, looking down at the older girl.

"Did you do it?" Haewon asked teasingly.

"Do what," Yunjin asked monotonously, opening her locker again to grab her textbooks.

"Kiss Yoona, did you do it?"

"Look Haewon-unnie, I don't know what you want from me," Yunjin spoke, clearly irritated.

"I just want you to tell me if you played the game, jeez. What crawled up your ass and died?" Haewon questioned.

"Look, unnie, you know I hate the fucking game. You know how much it pisses me off that half of the school thinks Yoona and I are dating. You're my best fucking friend, Haewon-unnie. You'd think you'd be smarter enough to not make me play the game at all, let alone with Yoona," Yunjin spat, her chest heaving in anger.

Haewon threw her hands up in protest, "Damn okay chill, I'm sorry Yunjin. I just figured it'd be better if I gave you the date instead of some random person."

"Yeah well I would've taken Dorito Boy over Yoona," Yunjin said as she rolled her eyes.

Haewon gasped dramatically, "You don't mean that."

Yunjin looked to the ground and shook her head slowly, "I don't."


This day literally couldn't go by any slower, 'Yunjin thought to herself. She was currently in seventh period staring at the clock, watching the seconds pass by as they brought her closer to freedom. At the moment, all Yunjin wanted to do was repeatedly slam her face into the desk as her teacher droned on and on about the mitochondria. She already knew it was the power of the cell and that's all she cared to learn.

Yunjin thought curiously back to lunch, which Yoona was suspiciously absent during. In fact, Yunjin hadn't seen her best friend at all today. As much as she was trying to not think about her best friend, she couldn't help but worry, 'Is she okay? Is she embarrassed? Is our friendship ruined? Is it bad that I want to kiss her again?'

The final bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. Yunjin stood up with a sigh, throwing her stuff into her backpack before heading down to her locker. Much to her dismay, Lily stood next to Yunjin's locker, hurriedly tapping away on her cellphone.

"If Haewon-unnie sent you here to fuck with me unnie, you can leave now," Yunjin greeted her friend flatly.

"Shit, she wasn't kidding when she said you were in a mood," Lily mumbled, causing Yunjin to stare at her with an 'are you kidding me' look.

"But no, she didn't. I just wanted to come see if you were okay. You've been really off all day and I care about you, Jinni." Lily rubbed Yunjin's shoulder reassuringly, making Yunjin smile her first genuine smile all day.

"Thanks Lily-unnie-wait, Yoona?" Yunjin said, shocked, as she watched the brunette girl weave her way through the crowds of students and make her way towards them. The brunette wore a determined look and Yunjin was desperately trying to keep herself calm. 'This is it,' Yunjin thought, 'this is where she ends our friendship,' Yunjin looked at Lily, desperate for any answers at all, but the older girl just shrugged, looking at the brunette coming towards them just as concerned. When Yoona reached them, Yunjin opened her mouth to speak quickly.

"Look Yoona I-" Yunjin didn't have a chance to finish her sentence before Yoona cut her off with a kiss. Not like the kisses they shared last night, no. This one was... gently, sweet even. Yunjin found herself kissing back without even thinking, her hand coming to rest at Yoona's hip. The pink haired girl completely forgot that they were in the hallway at their school as she focused solely on the girl in front of her and how her lips tasted vaguely like everything right in the world.

As they pulled back from the kiss, Yunjin opened her eyes to meet Yoona's. They stared at each other for a moment, before Yoona gave her a sly smile.

"Your turn," she spoke before sauntering off towards the same way she came from. Yunjin felt like she got smacked by deja vu, except she wasn't in a closet right now.

'Fuck, Lily' Yunjin thought as she turned towards her, whose mouth was hanging open, stunned at what she just witnessed.

"Lily-unnie I can explain I-"

"Damn," Lily breathed out, "Haewon's gonna be pissed that I saw Sulljin happen before her."

"Unnie there's nothing going on between us," Yunjin said desperately.

"Definitely not, she just walked up to you and kissed you like that because there's nothing going on between you two. She definitely didn't do it in front of half of the student body either, that'd be absurd." Lily replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"It's that fucking game, I swear there's nothing going on between us," Yunjin tried again, running a hand through her hair to calm herself down.

"I don't know who you're trying to convince, Yunjin," Lily said, looking at her friend with a solemn expression.

'Me either,' Yunjin thought to herself.

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