Chapter Six. Chief Niven

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Year E3029

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Year E3029


I followed Wyatt into the video surveillance room. This space was floor-to-ceiling full of screens that wiretap into the cameras around the City of Rise. We could see almost anything the stiffs were doing. A few screens were following certain members while others watched our group. The white noise of static buzzed in my ears as soon as we entered the room.

Everyone had their heads on the computer at their desk as we walked by. An older woman with orange hair glanced at us while she drank from her mud turtle cup. Her eyes connected with mine, and a slight smile formed on her lips. She straightened, tilting her head as she watched us enter the blackout room.

Stopper closed the door behind him, clicking on the lights. Heads popped up from the few single desks in the area, then went back to investigating the camera views on their computers.

The cameras were our only way of staying one step ahead of the MOS, using their own devices against them. We may have taken their live stream, but in the end, we were getting nowhere without knowing what was in their headquarters. Until now, that was.

"Here's the map," Wyatt said, handing over a large piece of paper folded up small. "Paper and all." He glanced at the screen his dad typed at. "Weird. Haven't seen paper in a while."

"Perfect," Wyatt's dad, Chief Niven, said.

Chester Niven was the first Savior I trusted, given this rebel group had a lot of screws loose. Wyatt looked almost identical to his dad, except Chester had a large beard that covered most of his face. Both their bald heads shined a tint of blue as the computers reflected in them. Chester shifted to the left at the same time Wyatt did, mimicking each other without meaning to.

Chester opened the map and looked at a younger guy typing on a keyboard. "Here, Johnson, put this in the safe until we analyze it."

Chester stood up, handing the map over, and then eyed us down. "Now, why do I have the peanut gallery in my office?"

"Dad, this isn't your office," Wyatt responded.

As I headed to the large screen, I noticed cameras following a person in a black trench coat going down a shadowy street with a suitcase.

"Well, this might as well be my office." Chester huffed out. "Ever since I hurt my knee."

Stopper's laughter caused me to glance over at Dylan and him giggling at something. They were leaning over a screen at a desk, messing with a keyboard. Slowly, I walked to them, peeking around their bodies. I closed my eyes quickly when I saw a female safforian stripping off her clothes. With my eyes averted, I leaned in, clicking the screen off. Stopper glared at me while Dylan laughed it off. I turned toward Chester.

"Okay, enough with the bullshit," I said, walking up to the primary controls for the big screen.

I typed out my location and time when I arrived at the convenience store earlier today. The guys looked at the big screen, watching me park my bike and walk into the store.

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