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The lightning and thunder had deceased as the night lingered on but the rain that fell from the pitch black sky continued on. The raindrops hit the roof above Roman's head and landed on the window of Y/N's bedroom, racing each other to the bottom and Roman watched their race in boredom.

Earth was not his favorite place to be but deep down inside he despised to be here but he came here for one reason and one reason only and that reason layed in bed fast asleep. He was leaning against the wall, his arms folded over his chest, facing his own reflection that appeared in the glass.

It was still dark outside, he wasn't sure what time it was but he hoped that it was close to dawn. He should go back to the underworld but every time he thought about leaving he remembered that the angel Damien could appear to her while he was gone and he wasn't going to let that happen. Not when he's in her life.

He grew tired of watching the rain race down the window, so he went on an adventure through Y/N's house in curiosity. He never truly looked at what was different here on Earth than in the underworld but he guessed there was a lot of things there were different, things he's never seen before.

Instead of wandering into the living room, he wandered down the hallway a little ways and found a bedroom door shut tightly as if meant to stay shut for eternity. He gripped the silver doorknob, feeling the coldness, and turned it. It was dark inside the room, so he stretched out his arm in order to find the light switch somewhere on the wall which was right beside the doorway.

The light that hung from the ceiling turned on immediately and he saw that he was standing in a medium size bedroom. It was very clean but there were a lot of boxes packed away and pushed against the wall as if they were meant to be forgotten. His curiosity took the best of him and he approached the boxes, grabbing the first one he could.

The top was still open so all he had to do was lift the lid. He looked inside to see old picture frames of Y/N and a woman. He grabbed the first picture frame and looked at it closely, realizing that the woman beside Y/N was her mother.

Roman remembered the day her mother passed away, he remembered the sounds of cries coming from Y/N for hours and he remembered how badly his chest tightened while he listened to her cry. It was a gloomy day.

He dug further into the box, finding other pictures from birthdays and holidays. Y/N was very close to her mother, she never had a father figure, never even knew her biological father but Roman did. He hunted her father down one night after Y/N asked her mother about him when she was only nine.

What he found was a deadbeat alcoholic. It took Seth all of his strength to keep Roman from murdering him right then and there.

"Why does anyone deserve to live like that?" He had shouted at Seth that night. "Why should anyone abandon her for alcohol and live Seth?"

Seth couldn't give him the answer he wanted to hear. He placed the picture frames back where they belong and closed the lid, putting the box back in it's place. He guessed that this was her mother's room.

Roman walked out of the room after turning off the light and he shut the door back just to be sure she had no idea he was ever in there going through the boxes. He glanced down the hallway towards the living room and noticed that it was turning a grayish blue outside, telling him that the sun would be up soon.

There was another door on his left that was shut as well and since he was still bored, he decided to see what was in that room. He opened the door and came into a small room with a big window that overlooked the backyard and sitting in the middle of the room against the wall was something large but covered by a white sheet.

He was very intrigued by this white sheet, he just had to know what was underneath it. His big, muscular hand gripped the sheet and he pulled it off and saw a black piano sitting lonely against the wall. His breath hitched in surprise.

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