Untitled-this shit foreva eva

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 "When he supposed to arrive?"

"Now, Momma."

"I don't see him."

"He probably just getting off the plane Ma."

"American Airlines Flight 1034 now landing."

"You see him yet?"

"Not yet, Ma." She was just as nervous and wired up as her mother. Truth be told, she was freaking the fuck out. It had been 24 long months since she'd seen her preacher man and gawddamn it, she missed him like fucking crazy. Talking on the phone wasn't enough. Letters weren't enough. In the time they'd been apart, she'd tried really hard not to do anything extreme and she was damn proud of herself for not even touching herself. Cause fuck. Just thinking about him, the way he laughed, the way his voice would grow low when he was about to say something nasty, or the way his lips got all pouty and shit when he was thinking about something made her horny as fuck.

Now, people had started to file out of the terminal. Heart bout to stop, her eyes darted in and out of the crowd of weary, jet-lagged passengers. Of course, also in the 24 months that they'd been apart, she'd taken the time to really get to grow in her faith. Her and God now were... aiight. Cool. He was an okay kinda guy. She'd changed a lot, tried to elevate, and all that shit. But some parts of her stayed the same. She'd forever be Briony Cayenne but she had a lil Jesus sprinkled in now.

"Shoot, I think that's him, Momma..." Maybe it was somebody else. She didn't wanna tackle some stranger to the ground. Hell, the way she felt, she was liable to take him down like a linebacker and welcome him back home with a face full of coochie. The possible victim had his head down, and seemed to tower over the other people. Her suspicions were confirmed when he lifted his head, eyes now searching through the crowd.

"Momma, it's him!"

"Eun-woo!" He stopped and turned, eyes desperate to find the voice that had called him.

"Eun-woo, over here!" After a million years, their eyes finally met. She couldn't stop herself from running, and neither could he. They met in the middle of the terminal, bodies colliding with each other likes the waves of the sea. She didn't even stop to take a breath, their lips crashing into each other. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her up off the ground. Wrapping her legs around him, she clung to him like a koala bear.

"I missed you so much, baby.." She said, face pressed against his neck.

"I missed you too, precious." Eyes now lifted to see her mother approaching, he lowered her back down to the ground, though, she clearly did not want to let him go.

Confessions of a Briony CayenneWhere stories live. Discover now