Chapter One - The Letter

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A warm breeze lifts my hair from its place against my shoulders, rustling the leaves of the sweet chestnut tree over my head. I watch the shadows dance on the ground around me, their patterns swaying as the warm sunlight filters through the moving limbs. My fingers wrap loosely around the worn rope that supports the old wooden swing, the fibers tough and scratchy against my palms. I let out a long sigh, digging the toe of my leather flats into the dirt beneath the swing.

I'm out of time. It should have been here by now. Marco got his the year he turned eleven. I've spent the past five years waiting and hoping. All for nothing. It's time to face facts. It's not coming. I don't belong to that world. Looks like I'll be facing another year without him.

My throat tightens and I bite my lip.

I don't want to be stuck in the ordinary world without him... I want to have a life full of adventures too... a life full of magic.

My eyes drift to the duck pond to my right as I sniffle. Four ducks glide gracefully across the water, their damp feathers glistening in the sun. Their playful quacks drift across the pond to their friends near the duck house on the opposite shore. Light buzzing fills in the empty spaces between the bird's calls as the bees flit around their boxes lined against the fence to my left.


I look up, turning my head towards the house at the unmistakable sound of the screen door slamming against its wooden frame. I spot my older brother sprinting through the garden as he hastily pulls his favorite purple button down over his shoulders. I watch as he stops at the edge of the orchard, peering around the garden as if he's searching for something. He's filled out since he's been at school. His shoulders have broadened and the muscles of his arms and legs seem to have grown. Gone is the gangly awkward boy I remember.

The wind picks up, blowing the warm summer air through the trees. His unbuttoned shirt ripples in the breeze and his already messy blond hair seems to stick up, making him appear even more like an unkempt pineapple head than usual. His eyes meet mine through the trees and his whole face lights up into a wide smile.

"Phae!" He raises his arm waving something in the air, "Phae, it's here! I told you you'd get it! Look!"

My eyes widen, "What!"

I push off the swing too fast, my feet slipping on the loose dirt. I catch myself on my palms and scramble forward, pushing my unruly red hair out of my face. I clamber over the fence separating the garden and the duck pond quickly, pulling the strap of my oversized overalls back onto my shoulder as soon as my feet touch the ground.

I skid to a halt in front of Marco, bouncing on my toes as he shows me the item in his hand. Carefully I take the yellowish envelope from him. It's addressed to me, my name and address scrawled in brilliant emerald green ink.

Ms. P. Day
The Attic Bedroom
The Day Farm,

I glance up at my brother as an almost nervous giddiness grips me.

His smile widens. "Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!"

Turning the envelope over, I tear into the thick paper and pull free the heavy parchment.

"'Dear Ms. Day, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'"

"HA! See! I told you!" Marco cheers loudly, scooping me up and spinning us around. "I knew you're a witch!"

I can't help the squeal that escapes me as Marco swings us around in circles. We fall to the ground, both of us laughing as the world spins. I clutch my stomach and swipe the back of my hand across my face, clearing away the tears pooling in my eyes from laughing too hard. Marco's hand lands on my head as he ruffles my hair roughly. I shove his arm away and look back at the letter, reading it in its entirety.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Gol D. Roger

Dear Ms. Day,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Silvers Rayleigh
Deputy Headmaster.

My brow furrows as my eyes linger on the last line. "Marco?"


"What does it mean, we await your owl?" I turn my gaze up, meeting his calm blue eyes,  "Am I supposed to write back?"

"Yeah. Just send them a short reply saying you got your letter. That's all." He answers with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

The crunch of gravel and growl of the old engine has us both jumping to our feet. I dash through the garden as fast as I can with Marco right on my heels. We come hurtling around the side of the house just as the old, forest green 3100 Chevrolet rolls to a stop under the carport. The engine dies and the driver door opens as our father climbs from the cab.

"DA! DA! LOOK!" I run forward, waving my letter in the air.

"There's my girl!" He cheers, though his rough voice makes it seem more like a growl.

I barrel into him, hugging him hard. His arms come around me, his hand automatically smoothing my errant waves.

"Look, Da! I got my letter! Just like Marco! I'm a witch, Da!" I wave the parchment in front of his face as I beam up at him.

"My little girl? A witch? Well how 'bout that. Guess we'll be needing to go into town to get your school things." He smiles down at me, the ends of his braided mustache tickling my forehead. "How bout we go tomorrow?"

"Really!" I gasp, "But what about the restaurant?"

"I'm sure Patty and Carne can handle things for a few days." He gives me a playful wink and pushes me towards the house, "Go tell your mother, will ya?"

"Kay!" I chirp as I skip past Marco, dodging his hand as he tries to rumple my hair again.

I glance back at them as I reach our pretty blue front door. Da is running a hand through his blond hair, his lips a straight line beneath his long mustache and his forehead crinkled more than usual. Marco's shoulders are tense and he seems to be driving his point home with his hands as they whisper near the truck.

My brows furrow the longer I watch them.


My mother's voice drifts through the open window.  I tense, my whole body frozen.
Both Marco and Da turn back toward the house, scanning the area for me. I pull the heavy wood door open and duck inside before their searching eyes can find me.

I wonder what they were talking about.

"Phae, honey, can you give me a hand?" My mom's voice sounds from deeper within the house.

"Coming Mum!"

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