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If you read this previously I asked for options on who Jade should end up with. The overwhelming majority was Mission. I deliberated long and hard despite this because honestly, I have a soft spot for Rooster. But even planning I couldn't get him to play nice with Jade. 

Rooster has been dealt some shit cards in his life, he's not had a lot of control and I think Jade would be too much for him to handle eventually. 

Rooster is not the natural choice for a biker, but he finds himself in a life that he has to make the best of. But eventually he'd want to settle down and live quietly. He's had enough drama for a lifetime. 

But my girl Jade is not a settle down type of woman. She's wild, spontaneous and fun. It would be like trying to pin down a lightning bolt. The only person who could handle her fire and not try to smother it would be a guy like Mission. 

He's always up for a good time, fun and spontaneous. And when he deals with his many issues he will be able to open the world up for Jade, rather than ask her to fit into a smaller version of it. 

As such I've started their story, What's Your Poison is incomplete but follows Jade and Mission. I hope you like it and you might see that I am already working on Rooster's HEA. His story will still be fake dating, like below. He's going to get a taste of happiness before messing up, big time. But eventually he and his girl will get their HEA.

Below you'll see the original snippet I wrote for Mission and Jade. As always thanks for reading!! It honestly gives me so much motivation when people write and tell me how much they are enjoying my writing!



I'd done the right thing.

That was what I told myself. This stabbing pain in my gut would fade soon, and I could finally breathe again.

Good things never lasted.

I'd learned that a long time ago. I'd messed up this time though. I let myself get in too deep. It was so easy to do with Jade. I hadn't meant to get caught up with her. She was a club girl, a woman who was there for the club members to enjoy. Blow off some steam. One night with her had turned into two, three and finally I had been so sick with the idea of anyone else touching her I'd claimed her.

Dumb fuckin' idea.

Being in bed with Jade was heaven, but being her man? That was nirvana. Her big, brown eyes blinking up at me, all soft and open. Whispered conversations under the covers in my dingy room. Searching her out in a room and finding her doing the same for me.

I craved her. Ached for her after a long day straddling my bike. Whatever dark cloud the day had tethered to me melted away in her soft embrace.

That was when I knew I had to end it.

Before it turned into something that could and would be torn from me. Like it always was. I slid a look at Jade, pouring a drink for Michael at the bar.

Or should I say Rooster?

We were partying tonight, celebrating him being patched in. I was ready to smash his skull in. Didn't trust the guy and couldn't believe Iron let him be part of the club. I knew he was on Grey Hog's shit list, but if he kept making googly eyes at my girl, I was going to drop him in their territory and see how he fares.

Once a coward, always a coward. Jade deserves better.

Like you? You're poison, a danger to everyone around you.

That voice started up, the nasal quality reducing me to my eight-year-old self. Mom berating me, whipping stripes across my thighs because I'd failed her again. I ran my fingers over my temple, trying to massage away her railing insults, a constant soundtrack I hadn't escaped, even though I hadn't seen her in a decade. Not since Iron took me in and gave me a place to live and a purpose.

My mom had made my life hell, but she'd taught me one thing. Tattooed it into my skin with constant beatings.

Nothing good ever stays with me.

No matter how perfect it was with Jade, how right it felt. I knew it would implode and I would be the one sliced into pieces. Better to end it before that happened. I'd hurt her feelings, but she would heal. Someone else would have her sing them softly to sleep, her fingers sifting through their hair. Soak up her warm affection, her sass, and fire. Someone else would make her laugh so hard that tears ran down her apple cheeks.

It wouldn't be me.

My grip tightened so hard that the glass in my hand cracked, a shard slicing into my palm.

I grunted in surprise, looking down at the pooling blood on the cut.

It stung. A familiar and comforting pain. It was an old friend that I welcomed.

I let it seep through me, my cells primed to remember the ache.

Pain, I knew. Pain I could handle.

What I felt about Jade? The joy? That I couldn't comprehend, and I knew I'd burn it down, eventually. I'd done the right thing in breaking it off, burning my bridges with Jade.

So why did it feel so wrong?

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