7. khushi met jannat

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They were going to find khushi but get stopped when they hear....

Someone: to whom you both are going to find? Who got missing ?

Abhi: ashuuu

Abhi: ashuuu

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Sid: yahh dada , now tell me who got missing ?

Avi was going to say something when she hear someone shouts

At khushi s side

After playing all her friends went back to their home and khushi was also going back when she saw a beautiful butterfly . she was to much attracted by that butterfly that she went behind it and lost her way . when she realised that she had lost her way , she got scared and started to cry . at that jannat was passing by and saw khushi crying . she felt that she had saw her somewhere . she was thinking that where she had saw this girl when she remember that this was the same girl whom see saw with sid at imagica . she was going to ignore her and was moving forward but stopped , because the innocent face of khushi and her heart doesn't allowed her to ignore khushi like this .her heart was saying that her life has been destroyed by her( khushi) father then what was the mistake of her(khushi) , why should she(khushi) suffer because of her father. So she went towards khushi

Jannat : why are you crying baby?

Khushi: who are you?

Jannat : baby, i am asking you why are you crying ? and where is your mom-dad?

Khushi : my dad had taught me not to talk with strangers

Hearing this she remember something


It was the time when siddharth and jannat was of 15 years and abhi was of 18

Sid (akash) , abhi and akshu were playing cricket in the back yard of their house . cricket was the favourite of trio . When akash was 10 from there ownwards akash loves cricket . he was also going for cricket classes and his dream was to become cricketer .

They were playing and as always akash was batting , abhi was balling and akshu were fielding . abhi throw the ball on which akash (ashu) hitted six and ball went outside of the main gate . abhi was going to take the ball when akshu stop him and went herself to take ball . she went outside of the main gate when an old man approach her and ask her about some address which was little far from their home . akshu direct him the address but the old man doesn't understand anything so he told akshu to take him to that address .

akshu was taking him when abhi and ashu stopped her . as akshu had not returned back so abhi and ashu decided to go and see that what had taken her so long to take the ball . they reached at the main gate and saw that an old unknown men was asking akshu to take him to some address when abhi stopped her as the men was completely strangers to them . Abhi ask one of the gaurds to take that men on that address and went inside with the twins .

they were drinking juice when abhi said

abhi : ashu - akshu i wanted to tell you something today

ashu-akshu : yess dada

abhi : today , what i will tell you remember that your whole life .

both nobbed

abhi : always remember that never talk with any strangers

akshu : but dada , if any strangers want our help like today then what we should do ? should we deny them for help ?

ashu : but dada you taught us that never ever back off from helping any one then..

they were taking when their mom dad came their . They had listen thaeir conversation .

ranveer : i will tell you what you should in this situation .

ranveer : when any stranger ask for your help then try to help them in such a way that if their intention was to harm you then they cant be able to harm you

ashu : i didn't understand dad

abhi : i will explain you ashu . akshu did you understand ?

akshu : yes dada , i understand

abhi : ok then see ashu , like today when that old men ask help from akshu . in that situation what will you do ?

ashu : i will help him

abhi : and akshu what will you do ?

akshu : i will do what dad us taught us today

abhi : like what will you do ?

akshu : first i will direct him the address and then also he doesn't understand anything then i will ask help from any big person whom i know to help him

ranveer : very good akshu .


Remembering this a tear drop from her eyes which she wiped quickly

Jannat : okay , so my name is jannat . will you be my friend (she forwarded her hand)

Khushi: (first she look at her hand and then at her . she get good vibe from her ) yes

Jan: so now tell me what is your name?

Khushi: my name is khushi

Hearing her name jannat got gossip bump . she remember that , once she had said sid that she will name his baby . and if the baby will be girl then she will name her khushi and boy then siddharth

( Guys don't be confuse , the scene which jannat was remembering at that time her name was akshara and Sid s name was akash. Okay)

She came back from her thought when khushi shaked her

Khushi : where are you lost didi ?

Jan: no where . okay , so khushi why were you crying?

Khushi : actually didi , i lost my way(sadly)

Jan: ohhh , don't be sad , do you have your home address ?

Khushi: yes(saying this she took the chit from her purse on which her home address was written and give it to)

Jannat read that address and saw that it was pretty far so she take a cabs.

What will happen next ?

To know , stay tune

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