11. jan s burst off

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Jannat can't control herself and hug her twin very tightly. Sid was shocked because of this hug ..........

Sid was going to hug her back but suddenly he remember something and jerk her away. She become shock because of sudden jerk and she was going to fall as she was sitting on the edge of the bed . She balanced herself and looked at Sid .

Abhi: Ashu , what is this behaviour of yours with your sister ?? ( Bit angrily)

Sid : ( rudely) she is no one to me

Abhi was going to say something when Sid cut him

Sid : I want some rest

Vaish indicate abhi to leave the topic and let him rest . Abhi , vaish along with Khushi went out of the room , while jannat was standing there shocked , she came out of her thought by Sid s shout

Sid : ( loudly) I SAID I WANT TO REST


with that she barged out of his room . Faisu went near Sid and hug him tightly

Faisu : are you okay buddy ???

Sid : ( while hugging him with the same force) I am absolutely fine because of you . Thank you buddy

Faisu : ( while breaking hug) okay so now you take rest

Sid : hmm , please take care of her

Faisu : as you say my master (while bowing his head down)

Sid chuckle at this action of his

Faisu : by the way buddy , should I tell truth to her ??

Sid : no not now , because if you say truth to her she will make distance with you and will make herself alone again. And I don't want her to again go in depression . with lot of difficulty she had came out

Faisu : okay buddy , as you say . Okay bye , take care of yourself

Sid : you too

With that faisu left the room . After faisu left Sid saw his avni who was crying silently in a corner

Sid : ( softly) avni

Avi quickly run to his Sid and hug him very very tightly. And started to cry violently

Sid :( caressing her hair) avi , baby shhh. Stop crying . Look at me

Sid broke the hug and made her look at him . He cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

Sid : I am totally fine my girl

Avi : you should have not gone out of the house in this climate. What if something happens to you ? ( Tears started to flow from her eyes)

Sid : I am sorry ( softly)

With that he kissed her tears and hug her .

With abhijaan

They were in living room

Jannat : ( rudely) I think we should leave faisu

Abhi : ( softly) can't you stay with us like before

Jannat : I am sorry , but before the person who stay here was akshara Nigam but today the person who is standing infront you is jannat .. jannat zubair . Faisu let s go

Jannat was going but abhi stop her by holding her hand

Abhi ( while tears rolling down from his cheecks) please don't leave us like before , please . Your dada needs you , please akshu , please stay with us

Jannat : ( freeing her hand from his hold) First of all Mr. Nigam ,I am not your akshu , my name is jannat and your akshu has died 10 years ago ( angrily) WHEN YOU ALL WERE AGAINST HER


Abhi : ( while cupping her face ) akshu , bachha listen . There is nothing like you are thinking . You are over thinking

Jannat : ( while tears rolling from her cheeks) I am not over thinking dada . When you have to make choice between me and him You had always choose him . Why dada why ??

Abhi : there is nothing like that akshu

Jannat : ( while removing his hands from her face) please leave me

Abhi : please akshu just ....

Jannat : don't force me to call police Mr Nigam

Abhi become shocked by hearing her . He can't believe that she is her same akshu who love him very much . He could feel the hatred in her words .

Jannat realised what she said and felt guilty for talking to his dada like her because first time in her life she had talk to her dada with rudeness and had disrespect him.

Jannat hold faisu hand and went out of the house because if she will stay one more secound more in the house then she will surely break down . As the rain has stop so both went back to their home

Vaishu came back from Khushi s room as she has went to made Khushi sleep . She came back and so that abhi was standing their like statue and was staring at the decreasing figure of jannat . Vaishu went near abhi and put her hand on his shoulder. Abhi came back to his sense by the touch of vaishu . He look at her

Vaish : abhi , who was she ?? And why are you calling her akshu ??

Before abhi could say something someone knock the door . They both look towards the door and saw doctor was standing there. Abhi went near him and direct him to Sid s room.

At sidneet side

Abhi : Ashu

And sidneet parted away . Avi wiped her tears and get stand from the bed . Abhi enter the room with doctor. As the rain had stop so doctor had quickly came to their house .

Abhi : avi , doctor had came to check Ashu . We should wait outside

Avi nobbed and went outside with abhi .

At jannat side

Both reach at faisu s mansion . Jannat quickly run inside . Faisu also immediately park the car and run inside . When he enter he saw jannat was throwing everything in anger . Faisu went near her and hugged her as exccissive anger is not good for her health . Jannat broke in his embrace

Jannat : ( crying violently) why faisu , why ? He never understand me why ?

While breaking hug and wiping her tears harshly

Jannat : you know what faisu , I am angry on myself more than him . Why I just hugged him knowing that he just can't see me near him .

Faisu quickly hug her more tightly . And started make her calm

Faisu s pov

( Jann you are misunderstanding him. He was in the hope since years that one day you will return back to him . Then how can he push you away from himself . Please god sort everything thing between this two . I just can't see them suffering more . Please )

After some minutes jannat became calm and broke the hug . Faisu then made jannat sat on the sofa and give her some water . While drinking water she remembers something

Jannat : faisu , how do you know them ??

Faisu : ( nervously) whom your are talking about ??

Jannat : areee , about my family . Even though they also know you .

What answer will faisu give to jannat ???

Words : 1148

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