Chapter 1

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This story contains gore, fighting scenes, vulgar language, sexual harassment, adult topics, suicide, and major character deaths. If you are sensitive to any of these topics, you may leave. I will try to upload daily. This story takes place in a forest. Everyone lives in a kingdom but there was a mass underpopulation going on. The opposing kingdom and the Todoroki Kingdom is at war. 

Bakugou was in no kingdom. He had his people and himself. that was all he needed. He had despised both the kingdoms and ran away when he was just a young child. His mother and father slain by the Todoroki kingdom, has made him despise them even more. 

Bakugou had set up a peaceful camp where he and his people had stayed at for almost all his life. they didn't have much but they had enough to keep them from dying. They hunted food from wherever they could find and because of that, they were natural fighters. They had a strong body even though they didn't eat as much as those richer than them. 

Bakugou sat down on a rock he found. Far away from the camp he had made years ago. His fellow acquaintances. Kyoka Jiro and Eijirou Kirishima. They followed him around almost everywhere. And they together would fight for each other until they were dead. All three of them were sure of that. 

"Hey boss we'll be right back. Ashido needs us for a while" Jiro says, turning her head towards Bakugou. "Yeah yeah whatever. Just don't get yourselves into some random fight like you did last time." Bakugou growls back. Eijirou and Jiro just chuckles and smiles. "of course boss" Eijirou says. 

Kirishima and Kyoka both quickly jump away into the dark night and left Bakugou alone. It was a while since Bakugou had been in silence. Usually he was at the camp ordering his people around and helping them out. Almost like a king or a prince would do. He was the leader of his people and would do anything to protect them. Even if it means his own life was at risk.

Bakugou slowly shuts his eyes as he relaxes to the silence and gives in to the dark. The peacefulness. It was wondrous having some time to himself. He was sure the camp would be fine if he was gone for just a while. As he closes his eyes. He slowly falls asleep and lays down on the raspy grass. Listening to the crickets chirping, the wind blowing next to his face. It was all so surreal. 

Bakugou wakes up as he is blinded by the light. The sun shining rays directly at his eyes as he yells in discomfort. 

"Ah fuck! what the hell?!" he shouts as he jolts up from the surprise sunlight. He mumbles curses under his breath and growls at himself at frustration for letting himself sleep under the sun. 

"where the fuck is headphones and shitty hair?" he grumbles. he quickly leaps from tree to tree to get back to his camp. The closer he got to the camp he could hear the shouting getting louder and louder. "What the hell is going on?!" Bakugou thinks to himself as he gets closer and closer to the loud screams. once he reaches the camp. His eyes widen in rage and disbelief. 

"Just wait until our boss comes back! He'll beat all of your fucking wimpy asses!" Jiro shouts in fury. 

Bakugou couldn't believe what he was seeing. His camp was ambushed and his people were getting tied back by Bakugou guessed was the Todoroki's kingdoms soldiers. His people were biting and growling at the people while they just got hit or got muzzels put on they as if they were animals. The amount of disrespect Bakugou felt. 

"Oi! What the fuck do you think you idiotic imbeciles are doing to my fucking people?!" Bakugou shouts as he jumps down from the tree he was in and in front of where his people were being held. 

Every soldier just looked at him with a straight face. With nothing to say. "Say something you fucking bastards!" Bakugou yells. Being ignored pissed him off even more. And he was ready to charge at every guard that was in his territory. The guards start to spilt into two, making a road for someone to come out of the sea of people. 

"So you are their leader?" Someone says as they walk through the people and stand only a few metres away from Bakugou. Bakugou immediately recognises who it is. 

"What do you want from us you murderer." Bakugou growls at the prince. The prince completely ignores Bakugou's question and walks closer. leaving Bakugou on alert. 

"Allow me to introduce mysel-" Bakugou cuts the prince off before he could finish his sentence. "I know the who fuck you are. Just answer my fucking question. What do you want with me and my people." Bakugou says. His head low. No one could see his face. 

"do you mind if we have a little private conversation. Just the two of us?" The prince says. Bakugou lets out a dark chuckle. He smirks and his head lifts up to a devilish grin. Looking at the young boy with bi-coloured hair. Half red and half white. And his fucking idiotic face. That set off something in Bakugou. He shows his sharp teeth as he grins widely. He lets out a loud evil cackle and looks straight back at the prince wide eyed. Even scaring his own people. 

"You think after you ambush my people... You hurt my comrades... And you ruin the peace on our grounds. That you can just walk away and let us in conversation just like that?! How much fucking respect do you have for people?! Don't you Royals have at least some decency?!" Bakugou furiously rages at the prince. the prince just looks at him. 

"I'll have to force you if you don't follow my orders." The prince says. "You think that just so you say that i'm just automatically gonna follow what you say?! I'm not in your kingdom. So stop trying to boss us around!" Bakugou yells. 

"I'll kill your people if you don't." Says the young male with red and white hair. 

Now this was something else. Bakugou knew that if the prince wanted to, all his people could be gone just like that. The prince had so much power over him and he fucking hated it. He already wasn't on good terms with the Todoroki kingdom and this prince just had to make it worse. Bossing Bakugou around was not the way to go. 

Bakugou kept his cool. His face showing just anger. And hiding the feeling of uncertainty for his people. He simply had no choice.

"Fine. But if you lay one finger on them. I will personally rip your head from your fucking spine." Bakugou growls. "respect others how you want to be treated. And don't leave threats unless you want to endanger your kind." The prince says. 

Eijirou starts growling at the soldiers. "Shut your mouths before i do it myself." Todoroki says. Bakugou skips a breath and his heart starts to beat a little quicker. He snaps himself out of it and calms down. He then hesitantly motions for his camp to quiet down. 

Todoroki walks closer to him. He reaches his hand out for Bakugou to hold. The sudden contact makes Bakugou hiss in discomfort. Todoroki holds Bakugou's wrist as they slowly walk away together. 

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