"I'll wait for you." - ZB (request)

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Ziggy's POV:


"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" I muttered frantically.

I was currently running away from Shelia and her friends because I stole her money. After what felt like hours I thought I had finally got away from them. Or so I thought, I felt my body fall to the ground and look up to see Will smirking at me. I felt a liquid run down my face and soon tasted metal on my lips.


"You're gonna hang witch." Shelia said walking towards me.

Will grabbed my arms dragging me to a tree.

"Before the witch's final breath, she found a way to cheat her death. By cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon our land! She reaches from beyond the grave, to make good men her evil slaves. She'll take your blood, take your head, she'll follow you until you're dead!" Shelia and her friends said chanting over and over.

"String her up." Shelia order Will and he grabbed me tying me up to the tree.

"No! Stop! Stop it!" I pleaded as I hanged from the tree by my wrist.

"Let me down you shits! Let me down!" I screamed at the group.

Shelia walked towards me and dug her hand into my pocket pulling out a ten dollar bill.

"Goddamn thief!" One of Shelia friends yelled.

"She's possessed by the witch." Shelia said smirking at me.

"It's the only way to explain why she's psycho." She continued.

"Fuck you!" I screamed swinging my elbow at her face hitting her in the nose.

"Guess we're even now." I smirked as her friends gasped in shock.

"Give me you lighter." Shelia demanded one of her friends.

"Are you serious?" One of her friends said.

"You can't be serious." Another one said.

"Just give me that damn lighter!" Shelia yelled and Will handed her the lighter.

Shelia walked up to me igniting the lighter and raised it to my arm. I screamed in pain as I see a mark already forming.


Salem POV:

I was walking around camp with my twin brother Nick when Jeremey ran up to us.

"Shelia and her friends are by the witch's tree burning Ziggy!" Jeremey said panicked.

Me and Nick looked at each other with wide eyes and ran to the tree. Nick grabbed his whistle blowing it like a mad man and Shelia backed away.

"The hell is this? Let her down!" Nick yelled walking towards the group.

I looked in shock as I seen Ziggy hanging from the tree.

"Shit sorry Nick I didn't-" Will tried to explain.

"You were in on this shit!" I yelled at my brother as my nostrils flared.

"No I-I-" He stuttered.

"Get her the fuck down!" I yelled.

Will quickly grabbed the rope untying Ziggy from the tree.

"Care to explain?" Kurt said coming from behind me and Nick.

They started to explain what happened and apparently Ziggy stole money from Shelia.

"That's it Berman. Five strikes. You're out." Kurt said after Shelia was finished.

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