Chat Log on Discord

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Alpha-November: OK here's the chat log with some users on Discord I talked to about this idea, don't really have the uh, MEAT of the story yet. If you're wondering about the other Furry Book I made, I'm planning on canceling it.

\Alright, [REDACTED USER] I didn't want to ping you with this so lat into the night. So I've expanded my
 idea of the Amnesiac Human Son, Anthro Mom idea.
\Well, I could expand it into Sci-Fi if I had the know how.
\War happens between Humans and Anthros, which escalates due to "Mission Creep".
\Typical Krystal Nacht type shit happens, Holocaust against Humans. The Humans proceed to launch ICBM's to liberate Belka- I mean, stop the Anthro's Military.
\After all, there's no law saying you can't Nuke yourself in war time. Especially since it's in your own soil and the enemy's Nukes are useless.
\So anyways, Anthro Coalition gets afraid and FINALLY agrees to Peace Talks with the Humans (because they will just Nuke them until they are nothing but ash). And a Demarcation Line, DMZ, Embassy along and between the Demarcation Line is set up. Not to mention the immediate release of all Humans in Concentration Camps, all evacuations from these camps are handled by the Human's Military.
\And the they were there already, to keep an eye on the guards and kill them if they tried to destroy evidence.
\Then the Anthro Governments have a Sudden Realization/ Despair Event Horizon of what they have done. Several Humans (Civilians and their own Citizens) were killed in these camps deliberately, all of them had friends and family that were Anthros.
\Needless to say, those rescued Humans were not happy. Not. One. Bit. With their former governments.
\And left for the Human side of the Demarcation Line for their own safety.
\Now, you have a bunch of very angry, bitter, and spiteful Humans who were Abandoned and Betrayed by their friends and family, who were Anthros.
\Some of which were Human Prisoners Of War, so you can imagine how much this shaped Human Foreign Policy decades later.
\This resulted in the North/South Korea situation we see today.

>Its 2054 It is 2023, the Anthro-Human Demarcation Line still stands, no one in or out. All attempts at Resurrecting Diplomatic Relations with the Humans have been rebuffed. All attempts by families on our side of the Demarcation Line to reach the Humans have been met with deafening silence. Any attempt to trade has been met with a Military Response. All attempts to fly over have been intercepted and shot down.

All our apologies have been dismissed as lies that were made by Monsters.

>Though slightly smaller in population and landmass, as far as Satellites Surveillance can show us. The Humans have much a better military, as well as an anticipated industrial and logistics system, that completely outclasses ours. As you can see here this is a what we believe to be an 8th Generation AeroSpace Fighter, this photo was taken a year ago. In this photo which was taken a week ago, there are an estimated 200 7th Generation Fighters being delivered to what we believe is an Underground Mothball yard. The fact they can make 8th Generation Fighters and put several 7th Generation Fighters into retirement, AND keep it hidden from us for several years shows us that if war were restart... We would be annihilated.

\Fuck it I'll ping you anyways, @[REDACTED USER] .
\I'm going to sleep.
\Now that I think about it...I could write this story entirely from the POV of the Anthros. Without any Human characters interesting with the main cast.This would be a sort of briefing the new Anthro Secretary-General or something like that, how fucked they are against the Humans, if war were to continue.
\I need to do technology and equipment comparison.
\So, when Anthro-Human War first broke out, the Anthros had Late 1959 Late WW2 technology. Humans were working with Early 1950's Early WW2 Tech.
\However, when the war progressed that Technology Gap closed, and was surpassed when the Anthros fell behind the curve. The Humans were the ones who invented Atomic Bombs and deployed them first.
\To say the Anthros were shocked by the Atomic Offensive would be an understatement.
\Well, I thought about expanding that idea, and turning into the North and South Korea thing we see today. Except this time it's the North that are the Good Guys.
\Yes, if I did it from the Human POV, everything would be skewered and lopsided, not to mention predictable.
\Yeah, survivors of that war would be very... around the levels of Doom Slayer Rage.

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