Chapter Seven. Morning Drama

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Year E3029

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Year E3029


"Ocea, where's Thomas?" my dad asked.

"I-I" Tears swelled as I stammered on what to tell him. "He's"

With widened eyes, my dad brought his hand to his face and stepped back from me. He spun a few times, tapping his finger to his cheek, and glanced at Thomas's house across the street.

"Dad," I cried to him. "I don't know what happened."

My hands trembled with fear as I watched tears fall on them, splashing into the dry air. "A man" I paused, looking at my dad. "He did something to Thomas."

"Honey, it will be okay," he said, bringing me into a hug and brushing my hair.

When words leave someone's mouth, they can't take them back. Even if the lie was there to protect me, it was still a lie. Nothing would be okay.

"Beck, we need to get inside and pack," my mom's voice filled my ears while I looked at her through blurry eyes.

"Kitty, do you think?" His eyes told her a story that only she could read, a secret kept from me.

"Yes," she replied, like I wasn't there.

"But" My dad's eyes looked away from her. "I thought"

"Maybe someone else took over." She shrugged her shoulders. "We watched them die in front of our eyes, so someone else must have continued."

I brushed the tears from my cheek. "Who?" I asked with a tremble in my voice. "What is going on?"

My mom let out a long sigh, then reached to grab my hands. A loud crash in the distance shook the ground as sirens alarmed in the streets. Smoke from the neighbor's house masked black as a fire lit up the side of it. I wrapped my arms around my torso, frozen.

A familiar loud horn reflected off my house, prompting me to panic. "We need to go inside!" I yelled while the truck from earlier sped toward us.

"The Saviors will unite! The Saviors will save all!" a voice from a birdroid megaphone yelled in rhythm. A teenage safforian with bright blue hair hung from the side of the truck, spurring his words.

I ran for my front door, but my parents did not follow. "What are you doing?" I asked them as they both waved down the truck. "Stop!" I yelled at them, not wanting to trust my parent's judgment.


A bang on the front door had me out of bed quickly. "Ahhh!" I yelled, jumping to my feet. I looked down to see myself still in my underwear and bra, realizing I hadn't set my alarm for the morning.

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