Chapter 17

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It has been exactly two weeks since I woke up at Nate's house naked and I could honestly say I was freaking out. I don't know exactly what he did but I should have my period by now and I don't. I refuse to take a pregnancy test because I don't want to think that he would be that stupid. During the past two weeks I have been tired and irritable although it has been nice since Sam and Nate haven't been at school. Rumor has it that they moved away because they had found a better, and easier, girl in another state. As for Jack and I going to see Sam's past girlfriend, that didn't work out. My mom was angry with me for not coming home and not telling her and I was grounded for a week. When I was actually allowed to go out of the house, Jack was either sick or just didn't want to go. Now, here I am sitting in my room on a Friday night feeling like absolute crap all by myself. I laid back down on my bed and closed my eyes the cramping in my stomach making me want to curl into a ball and cry. I had been very emotional lately and honestly didn't know why, I would blame it on my period but seeing as it hasn't come I cannot do so. The door to my room opened and I looked over my mom staring at me.

"Honey, I just got a call from Jack." She said her eyes wide as she stared at me. Her mouth parted slightly and then closed as if she was scared to tell me something. She pulled a bright pink box from behind her and my eyes widened as I stared at the box.

"Is that a pregnancy test?" I asked in shock not believing that Jack would tell my mom what I had privately told him.

"Now, before you get angry at Jack, he told me that he is not tattling on Nate but is just trying to help you and possibly your baby." She said whispering the word baby so soft I almost didn't hear her.

"Let me see it, I have to pee anyways." I sighed and stood up grabbing the box away from her hands.

"Try them both!" She called after me as I walked into the bathroom rolling my eyes. I knew I wasn't pregnant but to amusse Jack and my mother I mind as well take the tests. I set the test down on the sink and waited for about two minutes my eyes never looking over to see the results. I took the second one and then set it next to the other test waiting another two minutes. I let out a deep breath and looked at the two tests my eyes going wide as my breathing stopped. I felt my heartbeat accelerate and I let out a scream tears pouring out of my eyes. My mom instantly ran into the bathroom catching me before I could collapse to the ground.

"No! I don't want this!" I screamed clutching onto my mom's shirt as I buried my head into her neck the tears pouring down my face.

"Rose, it's okay. You are too young for this, you don't deserve to live with the pain that that boy caused you for the rest of your life. Do you want an abortion?" I pulled away from her and looked her in the face. I could see the pain she was feeling at the thought of an innocent baby dying but I could also see that she didn't want me to be upset for the rest of my life.

"I'm keeping the baby." I whispered anger still coursing through my body at the thought of Nate being that stupid. "But, I need to get some anger out first."

"Honey, do not do anything stupid to hurt yourself or the baby that you are now carrying." She said as I walked out of the bathroom. I slipped on my slippers not caring how I looked seeing as I had changed into my pajama pants and a sweatshirt after school. My hair was messily down my back and my makeup was running all over my face but as mentioned before, I do not care. I grabbed my keys along with my phone and got into the car quickly starting it. I drove down the road speeding to Nate's house so I could take my anger out on him instead of crying about it. I pulled into the driveway nearly hitting Sam who was getting out of his car. He glared over at me as I got out of the car slamming the door behind me.

"Oh, hey asshole 1! Where's asshole 2?" I asked pure anger dripping off of my words because I have learned that you do not mess with pregnant women.

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