Did I do that?

42 2 1

Hey guuuyyyss sorry I haven't updated in awhile...I really don't have an excuse...

Any who, here it is!

James' Pov

My throat ached.

My ear still rung.

And I think I was turning into some kind of Alien freak.

That last I saw Maddie was about 42 hours ago, knowing her, a lot can happen in 42 hours.

James and I had been up ever since trying to find where she was, assuming she was still alive.

 "James, come here. I need to show you something." Aaron called.

We were in the heart of this hotel in a huge room. (Which I'm assuming was the Queens)

Aaron had a map and a few things were circled. But in the middle was a big red circle, then arrows pointing to it.

I frowned at him. "What's this...?"

"I've located where Maddie is." He sighed.

He looked pale, tired, and skinnier. He probably hadn't slept a wink.

It made me sad looking at him.

For quite a while I disliked Aaron. He had it made, an amazing girl, riches, power and he wasn't ugly.

"So what's our plan?" I asked.

"Attack. And hope to god she's still alive."

His words made my skin crawl.

I wouldn't have her in my life anymore. There wouldn't be this loud and obnoxious girl constantly asking me to watch movies with her.

Stop, don't think like that I told myself. Think optimistic thoughts, like Maddie would.

~Alice's POV

 Everything was a fog.

My memory was slowly coming back to me.

I looked around to see Aaron's human laying on the ground in a puddle of what looked like blood.

Well that didn't look good.

The lights flickered and the observation room had the faint smell of medal making me sick to my stomach.

I slowly raised to my feet with my head pounding, I'm guessing Maddie had caused that.

I forced my way over to where she was, not before grabbing the knife though, she could still be alive and I don't think I would get a friendly hello after stabbing her.

I stopped myself before I could get any closer to her.

 Did I really stab her? Did I really kill her?

That didn't sound like the Alice I knew, but then again I felt like I haven't been in control for a long time.

I kneeled down next to her and looked at all the blood she was losing.

I remembered Jackson and me dipping our knifes in poison, just to make sure.

I shook my head.

How could I do that? Why did I do that?

I felt her pulse.

I felt one but it was slowing down by the second.

Her face was pale, her hands cold.

I started to shiver, the room temperature dropped.

The alarms were still going off but I didn't care who care.

Who ever came, came. I couldn't stop them, plus all the guards wouldn't come, they know we were in here. Jackson will probably just come and check on me.

I slowly raised and walked to the door, locking it.

I slid down the cold metal door, my head ache turning into a migraine.

My body still shivering I slowly slipped in to unconsciousness.

I just hope Maddie wouldn't suffer too much for my foolish actions, but I still couldn't figure out why I did it..

"Sorry Aaron. I love you big brother."

 Sorry it's so short! I really needed to update in some shape or form! This is dedicated to ReadingGreek (lol if you can't tell by now she is a big part of my writing process) and I will try to update this weekend because I am now grounded...

Don't "disobey" your parents.

Sneak out when you're sure they can't find you.

Urgh. #StrictParentProbs

Have a nice day or night.

 Stay wonderfully fantastic.

(Lol ReadingGreek this was your surprise bitch. Good luck at your tennis tournament!)


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