The Irrational Injury

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Finally, the first chapter. Enjoy, friends!

It was a cold winter's day in the world of the humans. A certain high school campus, situated near the gateway to a troublesome alternate dimension, was experiencing the first snow of December. Snowflakes spiraled from the sky to coat the earth, witnesses to the chill that had set into the air. Students were doing homework, playing winter sports, and enjoying the last of the watery winter sun before it disappeared behind the hills tragically early in the afternoon.

This institution was unique among all high schools. Its primary goal was to cultivate a community of complete friendship and trust. And it largely worked. Students got along great, and no one was ever excluded or isolated for being different or unique. Diversity was celebrated.

Canterlot High mainly had seven girls to thank for this unexpectedly warm atmosphere: Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie. These girls had done everything possible to ensure this environment and protect it, uniting together to defeat villain after villain who dare to threaten the sanctuary of their school. Currently, this school was enjoying its longest period of peace in several years.



I open my bleary eyes, only to be immediately blinded by a sinfully bright sun glaring through the window, as if it was daring anyone to make it leave for a dark winter's day. 

Where am I?  I immediately thought, panic rising in my throat.

I jerked up, my chair squeaking beneath me. Looking down, I noticed that I was wearing my school clothes. I'm not at home?

Okay, so I'm a little disoriented from sleep. I survey the room, taking note of the plain beige walls and the rows of empty solid plastic desks, almost like foldable picnic tables, arranged carelessly (and distastefully) around the room. I could hear the incessant tick of the clock perched haughtily on the wall, a sound not unlike the clicking tongue of a disapproving teacher.

Suddenly, I facepalmed. Of course! I was in detention with my friends. I furrowed my brow, trying to remember why we were here. Honestly, we've been dumped in this place so often that, I mean, who could keep track? Especially me. I was practically the queen of detention.

Oh, never gave my name. I'm Rainbow Dash, pretty much the bestest, most awesome person you'll ever meet, AND the most sporty gal around. Name any school team, and you bet that I'll be its captain. Volleyball? Swimming? Soccer? Chess? Yessir!

Haha, got ya with that last one. Why would I ever coach the nerdiest team ever? I leave that kind of depravity up to my egghead friend, Twilight.

By the way, my friends and I happen to be these amazingly-cool superheroes who transform into half-pony creatures to fight baddies. I'm telling you, we've pretty much battled any type of evil magic you can imagine. Of course, I hard-carried those battles (okay fine, with a TINY bit of help from my friends).

Back to the present matter. See, we aren't troublemakers, but oftentimes, trouble finds us. We can't help it that in powering up and SAVING THE WORLD, we sometimes destroy part of the school! I wasn't sure what we were in here for this time, but it's probably pretty dumb. Maybe Pinkie set up a hundred party cannons in Principal Celestia's office again.

I shivered. That didn't end well the last time.

Speaking of my friends, where were they? I remember walking in with them. Why were they gone? I shoved out of my seat and strode up to the wooden desk at the front of the classroom, slamming my fists, interrogation-style, into the wood. Mr. Doodle, who was seated there, shot me a dirty look.

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