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Yeah that's right we get a bio

Name y/n

Height 6,3 this is my height just for good measure you know

Body:slightly toned leaner build

Speed:with suit 40mph without 30mph..with infection:errr000000
Not countable (DaVinci  note we have estamated it to be around 3000 to 4000 mph)

Strength:without he can beat through weaker metals with suit able to punch through titanium and can deal high damage to stronger metals without just able to dent titanium....with infection not countable (DaVinci note we are trying to measure the Capability actively but nothing has been able to stop him)

Intelligence(DaVinci he seems to be about as smart as me I just added this category for me and him to compete later )

Without suit he can run for hours with suit he does not stop unless serious injuries with infection he is unstoppable

Family: only the oldest members will remember the characters if you know them you deserve a cookie
Absolute zero and Dark zer0 they are his brothers  Dz adopted both of them because he is supper old like beginning of creation old

Dead space in fate? male reader x fateWhere stories live. Discover now