a God's speach

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Two actual chapters in one day this must be the work of another

Dz:(it's so quite just like when the world was first made I feel at home once again I missed this I used to rule over it all why I feel weak yet I feel like I have my true body back why is that.....peaceful wait what was happening last silence......wait my brothers I used the move didn't I but we had all not had access to our powers how wait did I use my authority but I couldn't did I override the body I had and the very world why can't I remember!!! They need me and I am resting doesn't that mean I am dead but I can't die I am the darkness hmm I need to get up but where or what is up no why am I asking when I am no longer limited I will redisegn the word itself if I wait what was I doing this for again I forgot..wait my brothers they need me but if I used that move then I killed them and the very existence of that world hmm then I must see where they went because I have now decided to save them yes *opens up reality*There you both are mmm the closest work is that one I will bless them*talks quite to y/n* never forget brother the words I told you, I will see you again it may take years but I belive in you you can always call on me. Y/n you will be seeing my son and wife's I hope they welcome you now then
*lifts y/n body rippes out your heart* I will give you something stronger than this weak heart I will give you *reality starts breaking *seems you will have to find out.I will have to deal with our other brother later rest well

What do you guys think I will get getting into the fate story next chapter this was to try to help you all understand a bit but I don't know thanks for Reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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