The past/the day he lost it all

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On the ship in space

Y/n: Dz stop your too injured and your the strongest if anyone needs to survive it's you

AZ:(fighting the monsters) guys there are way to many I can't keep going like this

Dz:(laying down on the ground)little brother your the youngest right you have not lived you life like I had you know you should never had to suffer in a moment like this *slight tears run down face* I am the strongest out of us I should not be laying down while your fighting*chuckles* you know I was once the strongest god (you know you should really read that book I am questioning if I should continue it because no one readers it) *forces himself to stand while blood is poring out of his wounds *now then little brother have many wives I want to one day see your children and be proud that you raised them all *hands him a spear*take this as my final gift to you and you have my blessing remeber always stand tall never be weak we may not be blood related but you are still my brother head these next words for my son will say these words when using his strongest wepon

AZ:fuck*takes a hit percing his gear*

Dz:*lifts his hand in the air*I shall perform this final blow as a parting gift to you I will tell you of the beginning heaven and earth split nothingness congratulated creation my power cleaved the world mortar of the stars heavens hell is the eve of creation celebration now you shall fie and be silent *pause*Enuma Elish

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