Chapter Twelve

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April 20th, 1666

"You're leaving, Lord Thomas?" Diana asked. She was standing in the Gatehouse with Thomas and Florence. George was nowhere to be found.

"My apologies Countess, but the matter involving my cousin hasn't been resolved," Thomas said as a footman helped him with his coat. "Neither is budging in their stance, so I will go and try and mediate things between them."

"But why is Rafe so intent on bringing Francis's bastard into their family home?" Florence wondered, shaking her head. "I've not seen him care this much about Francis's other bastards in the past."

"It sounds like he met the boy, and he feels empathy for the boy's situation. Francis has denied that the boy is his, but his argument is not helped by the fact that he gave allowance to the boy's mother for him. I expect to be back in less than a fortnight. Florence, please take care of Lady Diana while I'm gone."

"Of course, my love," Florence said.

Diana and Florence saw Thomas out and waved when his carriage pulled away. Diana was glad for the warmer weather, as the winter had been so difficult for her developing pregnancy. She worried constantly over the baby growing inside of her, but she found that everyone else was worried as well. Gilly and Apple had grown more protective over her, and the servants fawned over her. It made her feel guilty because she knew that they were doing this because they thought she carried Edmund's child, whom all of them had loved very much.

If they knew this wasn't Edmund's child...would they still care?

"Do not let this trouble you, Lady Diana," Florence reassured her. She motioned for her to come in to the Gatehouse. "My husband will get this matter settled in no time."

"Lord Francis...has had more than one bastard?" Diana asked her quietly.

Florence sighed painfully. "All husbands have bastards, my Lady. Even my beloved Thomas has at least one. I guess one good thing that came of it was that Hugh met one of them when he was fifteen, and the fact that Thomas's bastard was the same age as him troubled him. As such he has not strayed from Margery. But men are...keen on such things, my Lady."

She did not mention Gavin. Diana felt that it was deliberate, but her words nonetheless made her feel sad. Infidelity is a mortal sin. Why is it tolerated so?

"I-I'm sorry," she said aloud, but Florence shook her head at Diana. "You were lucky that Uncle Edmund only had eyes for you in the end. Come, let us have tea."

Diana forced a smile at her, but inside she felt a swell of pain. She felt like a hypocrite to be upset about infidelity, given everything that she had done with Gavin in the wake of Edmund's death. And she was reminded daily that it was Gavin's child she was carrying and not Edmund's.

But it had to be done. It had to be done.

It was still difficult for Diana to shake off the guilt she felt for not only committing adultery, but lying about the parentage of her child. However, when she thought about what needed to be done to protect her child, it was easier to forget her guilt.

I will keep this child safe. Nothing will happen to them.

From a high window in the castle, George watched Thomas's carriage ride away. A sinister smile rose to his lips. "Goodbye, my brother."


Supper was being set when the message came to them. A disheveled young man arrived to the castle holding parchment, but he shouted his message as he burst into the receiving hall.

"Lord Thomas was ambushed!"

The announcement sent Northcutt Castle into chaos. Diana tried to call for calm, even while she felt so ill from the news. One of the servants brought out a chair for Diana to sit in as George came down the stairs. His brow was furrowed, but it was difficult to tell if he was worried or not. Ambushed. Ambushed. Lord Thomas was ambushed. Is he all right?

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