Missed you Mi Amor

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This has been something I've wanted to do for a long time 😎

"So this is one of Kitty's old hideouts? I like it. Blue is definitely her color" Perrito commented, walking around the place. "Hey by the way you said we were meeting Kitty here. What for?" He asked curiously, the small dog scratching his ear.

"Because Kitty has gone to get our old friends Ala Fuerte, Telma and Carlos to meet you. Not to mention, our old friend Goldi requests our help to save Baby Bear, captured by a hunter" Puss explained, looking forward to seeing his girlfriend and his friends. It had been three months as each of the three members were in different locations. He missed Kitty so much. Her voice, touch, her sneaky steals with those soft stealthy paws of hers. Everything.

Kitty told them they were coming today in a letter and that she had plans to catch up with him for the time spent apart. The thought of that made him smile big. Seeing her face was enough to put him in a good mood. Perrito took notice on the look on his face

"You're really excited to see your old friends again huh Puss?" Perrito asked him. "Haha! Si Perrito! I can't wait to see Kitty again! And I can't wait for you to meet our amigos!" He told him excitedly, scratching the dog's ears which made Perrito pant and his tail wag happy.

They both heard something from outside and Perrito ran outside to the window, opening it. He tilted his head confused on what he saw below. "Hey um Puss are your other friends a falcon, small cat and a....a big mouse?" He asked him confused, turning to him. "Close. The last one is a mole" he corrected him, chuckling at his friend. "Then awesome! I'm gonna go down and meet them!" Perrito said excitedly as he ran out the room to meet them. Puss chuckled at him as he turned around about to walk away.

However, his ears twitched at footsteps running torwards him and just as he turned around, someone jumped into his arms, making him stumble against the small table, his back pressed on it as the person was on top of him, and his hat fell off his heax. While it did catch him by surprise, he smiled at seeing a familiar face above him. Kitty.

She smiled at him warmly, her paws resting on his shoulders. "I missed you mi amor" she whispered to him lovingly, her deep lovely voice was a melody he missed so badly. The tuxedo cat leaned down to kiss him. He wrapped his paws around her slim waist, both of them purring affectionately. They both missed eachother's touch, and presence.

Puss sat up from the table as they broke the kiss and he brought his paw to cup her cheek, brushing a thumb across her shiny black fur which made her purr in pleasure to feel his touch again. He leaned his forehead against hers, both closing their eyes to enjoy this long awaited moment with eachother as the room filled with purrs.

They both parted as Kitty sat next to him and it's when Puss noticed that she was wearing his hat again. She put it on while they were kissing. Normally, it would annoyed him when she does it. But this time, since it three months, he actually laughed, finding it amusing for once in his life. It seemed his laughter was contagious as it made Kitty laugh too, their laughter feeling the room.

"It's good to see you Kitty" he told her, his deep Spanish accent voice filled her ears as she smiled at him lovingly. "You too ginger" she told him, putting on back his hat and giving it a tiny flick. "You look beautiful Kitty" he told her lovingly but she scoffed at him. "Please. I look and feel like a mess" she told, lying down on the table." The trip was muy long, and exhausting. I should've took you and Perrito with me. Would've been less tiring and...." she explained to him, sitting up with a mishevious yet flirty smirk.

Before Puss can react, she grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. The tabby cat wrapped his paw around her waist to pull her closer to him as she moved her paws to hold his face. When they parted, he smiled at her lovingly too. "You were saying mi amor?" He asked her, running his paw up and down her back which sent shivers through her in a way she liked it.

"And would've been really good to have you with me" she finished her sentence, running her paw down his face as both smiled at eachother lovingly.

"Hey guys!"

Perrito's cheerful voice came up and both cats' face fell to hear that. They liked Perrito. But his timing ruined the moment for them. Reluctantly, they both parted as Puss jumped off the table.

"Oof! Perrito!"

The tabby suddenly found Perrito jumped into his arms, licking his face excitedly. Puss put his paw to push the dog off as Kitty giggled amused. "Hola Puss!" Carlos's voice popped up as he, Ala Fuerte and Telma entered the room. "Hola mi amigos! Is good to see you all" he told them all as Carlos hugged him like a brother.

Puss greeted his friends as they got acquainted with Perrito who they took an immediate liking too. As they chatted, Puss went to sit next to Kitty again, putting a paw around her shoulder. "So Kitty. You mentioned in your letter you had plans for us. What kind of plans?" He asked her curiously as she held his paw dangling on her shoulder.

"I was thinking we spend some time with our amigos, get lunch and you and I head home early and spend some long awaited time together" she explained to him misheviously and playfully as they looked at eachother. Puss purred as he had an idea of what she implied and it pleased him. "Me like" he purred as they went back to the chat with the their amigos.

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