Kitty's Panic and Puss's Comfort(Request)

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Request from JackieBalsan

A close call.

A very close call.

Kitty had no idea what just happened. Everything was so quick. One moment the trio were fighting guards during a heist. She was fighting a guard. Her sword clanging against the halberd. However, a swipe came close to hitting and she jumped back only to feel a sting across her cheek and her back hitting the ground. Kitty felt something dripping down her cheek and she placed her white paw on it only to pull back when the pressure added pain. Her blue eyes widen to find her white fur and pink paw pads stained with red liquid. Blood.

The sight of it made her heart race and she found herself shaking. That blade was so close to to her face. So many thoughts starting racing in her head. Her heart rate was elevating. Kitty didn't know what was happening to her senses. She was too preoccupied that she didn't the guard bringing his weapon up to take advantage.



The sound of Puss's voice and a sharp clang made her head turn back to find the tabby outlaw in front of her with the sword keeping the enemy back. "Kitty get up!" He yelled at her, focused to make sure that guard didn't touch. The tuxedo cat went to pick up her sword but her paw was so shaky. Her reflection on the blade showed the fresh red cut and it made her terrified even more. It was so close to her eye. She could have lost it. All Kitty could do was somehow put the dagger back in the sheath and run out of there.

"Kitty?" The ginger turned his head when she didn't reply and found her gone, running out of the place. The cat's ears perked up, having an idea of what was happening. The guard took advantage of his direction, ready to slam his halberd. Perrito took notice and quickly ran, biting his leg. The guard yelped in pain, yelling spanish. Puss turned back and quickly latched onto the wall and side kicked the guard unconscious. "Where's Kitty?" The little dog asked him, noticing their friend was gone. However the concern on Puss's face told him something happen. After all, it happened to him so he recognized it anywhere. "In trouble. Come on. We need to find her" he told him as the two ran out.

Breathing heavily, Kitty ran as far as she could from the danger. Her legs took her as far to the middle of town until they burned and had no more energy to run. She now wobbled towards a stone wall, her face scrunched in pain from the throbbing in her chest like her heart wasn't going to burst out. The running had only made her breather harder. Her legs gave out as she leaned against the stone wall. Sliding down to the ground, Kitty held herself tightly, ears flat in distress and her tail curled close to her feet. She whimpered and in pain from this as felt she could not catch her breath.


Her ears twitched at hearing Puss's voice, making her blue eyes open again. She glanced at the direction  she came from and found the ginger cat running out with Perrito behind him, both with worried looks. They were calling for her. She wanted to yell their names, but the pain in her chest was excruciating, and she found she couldn't get a word out. Of her throat.

"Puss! Over there!" Thankfully, Perrito spotted her, and the two rushed to her side. The ginger stood there for a moment, his face softening into concern and sympathy for his lover. He glanced at the small dog with a look of worry. They both knew what this was. A panic attack. But they never thought to see this with Kitty.

The tabby bent down to her length, and upon a closer look, that's when he noticed the small red cut across her cheek. The source of it all. It reminded him of his fight with Death and how he got a cut across his head, awakening his fear. He knew how she felt. It was painful, and scary.


"Can I touch you Kitty?" He asked her gently, not wanting to worsen the panic attack. Her blue eyes opened again and she still couldn't say a word but she did nod to him yes frantically. She knew that Puss and Perrito experienced this before so maybe they can help her.

Puss gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. His ears tilted to her breathing. It was hurting him to hear it like. He gently rubbed her back as he held her close to him. Kitty whimpered, making her lover gently hold her head, caressing the fur on it. Perrito smiled at him, glad to see he was taking careful steps in comforting her. He moved over to rest his head on Kitty's stomach.

Puss suddenly felt something gently pressing against his back. It didn't take for him to realize that Kitty was hugging him back. She arms were shaking but his touch. There was something soothing about it. It was gentle, and comforting. The tuxedo cat wanted him closer to her so she somehow regained function in her arms.

The ginger cat smiled in relief, glad to see she was able to move her body again. Her face was buried in the crook on his neck, a vibration came from him as he purred, hoping to give her some comfort. Kitty nuzzled against his neck, wanting more of his touch as it give her the comfort she needed. Puss gladly returned the nuzzle to help her whole Perrito stayed leaning against her side, gently nuzzling against her side.

They stayed like this for awhile. Puss's ear was against Kitty's throat so he could feel her pulse racing. As the minutes passed, he felt her pulse calming down and her breathing returned to normal. He could her heart beat from their chest pressed together and thankfully he felt it slow down. It was like a drum beating against his chest and now it was dying down. Kitty's eyes opened again, licking her dry lips.


She whispered, making Puss's ears tilt to her voice finally returning. It made Perrito glance up at his sister. The tabby moved his face away so he could look at her, still holding her in his arms. It brought him relief to see her blue eyes opened again. There was no fear in them. Just relief and calmness. She smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you" she whispered, rubbing Perrito's head. It made the small dog smile at her, glad to see his sister in a better mood.

Two orange paws lifted her face up and she found herself looking at Puss. He softly rubbed his thumb across her cheek where the cut was. "sintiéndome mejor mi reina (feeling better, my queen)? He asked her softly. He knew a panic attack when he saw one. He just didn't think it wouldn't happen to his beloved theif.

The tuxedo cat blushed a little when he called her that. But she smiled at him warmly, holding his paws. "Si. I'm alright. Thanks ginger" she told him gratefully. While she hated showing any vulnerability, she was really glad to have Puss and Perrito being the only ones to see her like this. Puss smiled, glad to see she had recovered from that. He took her snowy white paws to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to them that sent shivers through her.

"I'm right here if you ever need comfort, Kitty" he assured her, leaning his forehead to hers and letting a soft purr come out. She purred back affectionately, appreciating how he was making sure she was alright. "Me too!" Perrito piped up, giving a soft lick on her cheek which made her chuckle and she pulled the two boys in a group hug as they returned. One thing they knew was when there's panic among them, there's comfort from the others.

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