Getting help from Imelda(part 3)

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Read the "More to me anything moment (part1) and "gata muy furiosa" (part 2) before this one. Imelda is the lady who runs the orphanage in the first movie and Puss's adopted mom.

Ala Fuerte was flying his friends to the hideout. A nice cooling air went through them. But didn't do much to ease a nervous feline. Kitty glanced down at Puss, resting on her lap. The ginger cat was somewhere between not awake but not yet. His eyes were closed but his face was scrunched in discomfort and he groaned as if he was in pain, his breathing rapid and his fur sweaty.

It worried her to see him in this state. But she also frowned. While she didn't remember what happen when she was anthesized for her declawing, she did remember that she was limp until the effects wore off. Shoulsn't he be out unconscious by now? Something was wrong here.

"Carlos. Can you come please?" She asked her friend and the small cat turned to her, sensing her worry. He walked over to, being careful not to bother Ala Fuerte when he was flying. "It's Puss. The effects of the anthesia should've took effect by now. Why is he still wake up?" She asked him as Carlos examined his current state. Puss was turning his face and body around a bit, and was starting to get pale. The calico cat felt his forehead and notice that Puss's temperature was rising.

He then remembered that they were up in the air and he quickly scanned around his environment. It was sunset so nighttime was closing in. He then looked down at the ground, seeing the buildings down below as Kitty watched him, puzzled on what he was thinking.

Carlos then turned back to his feathered friend, making his decision. "Ala Fuerte. We have a problem. Can you land now por favor?" He asked him serious mixed with worried. "Sí. Hang on" Fuerte said as he started to fly down to one of the buildings. It only made Kitty more anxious, sensing that Puss's unusual condition was now a major concern.

They landed somewhere as everyone looked at Carlos. "What's going on Carlos?" Telma asked her friend, worried. "We need a place to stay for the night. And it needs to be now" he told them all firmly as they looked at him confused but worried.

"Puss is still under the anthesia and its effects had fully taken over him to put him to sleep. Being in the air, his body senses the altitude change and with the anthesia effects mixed with that, it's causing him a pretty bad fever. There is too much movement. His body has to be still so the effects take place properly and once he is asleep, he can regain his energy later. The hideout is too far. We need a place to stay and we need it now" he explained urgently to them. Kitty glanced down at her boyfriend, running her paw through his the fur on his head as she stared at him sympathetically. Telma rubbed her back to comfort her friend.

"The hideout is far and we cannot walk there. Who is going to a group of outlaws in?" Fuerte asked since they were all currently wanted. As everyone thought, Kitty remembered something.

The location they were in currently was San Ricardo.

Gently setting Puss down on Fuerte, she climbed off the bird and went to Carlos. "Hermano do you have your telescope?" She asked him hastily and he took it out and gave it to her without question, seeing the concern on her face.

She took it and walking over to the edge of the roof, she scanned the neighborhood as her friends looked at he quizzical. The tuxedo cat was looking for a particular building. She saw a sign reading Imelda's Orphanage. She smiled relieved to see the place at her sights.

"I know where we can stay for the night. And I know who can help Puss" she told them as she walked up to Puss, gently caressing his face. The falcon brought them closer to the orphanage, however the small flight made Puss's condition worser and they had to hurry.

"Stay here" she told them all as they hid at the corner of a wall. Kitty walked up to the front door, standing in front of it. She breathed out nervously. She was going to meet and talk to the woman that Puss saw as a mother to him. Kitty assumed that Imelda probably didn't know that her adopted son was dating a theif. Nor was there no way she would accept her.

But right now was not the time to worry about first impressions. Puss needed help and he needed it now. She knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds anxiously until she heard the door clicked and open. Imelda peeked out, scanning her surroundings with confusion. Kitty cleared her throat to get her attention and the woman looked down, spotting the feline.

"Senorita Imelda. I am friend of your son, Puss in Boots" she introduced herself, getting Imelda'a attention as she listened carefully. "I know it's late. But your son ran into serious trouble and not doing well. He needs a place to rest properly" she explained worriedly, trying to keep her cool as she motioned her friends to bring him out. Puss was still on Fuerte's back and Imelda quietly gasped to see her beloved son in such a state.

"Ay me niño. Give him to me" she said worriedly, gathering her feline son into her arms as she scanned his face. It hurt Kitty to see Imelda worry like this. She can understand that feeling too well. Imelda went inside to tend to her son as his friends looked at him worriedly.

Sighing, Kitty sat down on the stairs, holding herself as she decided to wait her until news came from him. "Kitty" Fuerte's voice came, his wing patted her back to comfort her. Telma placed her hand on her shoulder and Carlos hugged his sister figure. Kitty returned the hug, grateful for her friends' support. It was rare for them to see Kitty like this but they understood why.

"Thanks guys" she told them, feeling a little better but not enough. The only thing to make her feel better was seeing Puss fully awake and ok. Feeling his warmth and touch. Hearing his voice. She needed those to give her comfort.

"Ws should head back to the hideout. Before the guards see us" Fuerte suggested. But Kitty shook her head no. "You all go. I'm staying here" she told them and they all looked at her with worry.

"Kitty no. You're gonna get yourself spotted and what about Imelda and the orphans here?" Carlos asked her concern. "Yes it wouldn't be right to drag them into the situation" Telma urged her. "No. I won't leave Puss here alone" she told them all persistently.

"You may all stay for the night"

Before they can argue, a gentle voice spoke and they all turn their heads to find Imelda outside, wearing a brown shawl to stay warm. "Puss is resting right now. And I'm sure he be worried about you all. Please, come inside" she told them and although they were hesitant, they all went in, nodding gratefully to her kindness. All except Kitty.

She still stayed where she was. She didn't think Imelda would accept her so easily. But then she felt a soft fabric placed on her gently. Kitty looked at her shoulder to see the brown shawl on her and she glanced up, seeing Imelda was the one who put it on. She smiled gently at the feline. "You are Kittt Softlaws correct?" She asked her and it caught the cat by surprise. "How do you know my name?" She asked her confused, but had a feeling it had to he Puss.

"Please come inside. It's cold. And I will answer your question" Imelda told her and Kitty finally stood up and went inside to get some answers.

Next part coming soon

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