Part 11

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[June 10, 2015]

Jamie has been gone for one week. For one week, Jimmy has been a mess. Losing focus, day dreaming, messing up easy throws that a middle-school quarterback could nail. 

Jimmy overheard Brady and Gronk talking about how Jamie was coming back for the ring presentation on the 14th, and all Jimmy could do was freak out- he knew he would have to see her eventually, but he wasn't expecting it to be this soon. Jimmy had four days to get himself together in preparation for Jamie's return. 


[June 14, 2015] 

Super Bowl ring presentation. 

Everyone was dressed to the nine- especially Jamie. She showed up in a black long sleeved dress that hugged her perfectly. The thigh-high slit and deep cut in the neck line left everything to the imagination while also hiding everything. Part of the dress was wrapped over, creating a ruching effect that could kill a grown man. The sparkles throughout the dress brought out her subtle smokey eye makeup and her silver jewelry. Her dirty blonde hair was curled and partially pulled back, and she pulled out a few strands of hair to frame her prefect face. Her look was finished by a red lip, black heels, and a silver bag to tie the look together. 

Jimmy was standing with Brady near the bar, looking up to see Jamie walk in, looking twice as beautiful then he could have ever imagined. Her brown eyes sparkled from across the room. All Jimmy could think about was how badly he messed up with her- how badly he missed her, how he woke up every morning and a little part of him died inside when he realized that Jamie wasn't waking up next to him. 

From the moment Jamie was noticed, everyone was around her, asking how San Francisco was, how she was, etc. It seemed the only time Jamie could get some alone time would be if she went to the bathroom. 

"Are you gonna talk to her?" Brady asked, snapping Jimmy out of his thoughts. 

"I don't think she wants to see me, let alone talk to me." 

"Do you want me to find out?"

"No you don't have to, it's okay-"

Brady immediately left Jimmy and walked over to Jamie across the room, wrapping her in his signature bear hug, before starting a conversation with her, as Jimmy stood across the room, not being able to take his eyes off of her. 

"Are you okay James?" Gisele asked as she made her way to him, "oh I see."


"And I'm guessing Tom went over to talk and do some digging?"


"Well he's doing it wrong, someone stop him." Gisele mumbled, making both laugh, "I'm serious, that's not how you get info out of a girl. I'll take over from him during dinner, and believe me, you'll actually get information honey." 

"You don't have to Gisele." 

"Oh nonsense. I have to catch up with her anyways, and you know girls- everything always circles back to boy-talk." Gisele touched Jimmy's arm and gave Jimmy a smile before walking over to her husband and taking over on gathering information. 


Jamie was sat at a table next to Gisele, Tom, Gronk, Gronk's girlfriend, Jimmy, Belichick, and his wife. Jimmy and Jamie ended up sitting across from each other, occasionally giving each other glances and smiles throughout the night. Gisele and Jamie continued their conversation from earlier, and every time Jamie would laugh at something someone said Jimmy's heart would break a little- he missed that laugh, that smile, the way her eyes would light up when she was happy or excited, the tone in her voice when she would make a sarcastic comment or use one of her iconic quick retorts. When the rings were passed to everyone, Jimmy's heart melted at Jamie's reaction to getting one herself- a reaction of both shock and happiness that made everyone around her smile. 

After dinner was finished, there was a "cocktail hour" where everyone could converse before heading home, and Jimmy caught Jamie at the bar. 

"Hey. You look beautiful."

"Thanks, James. You look nice yourself."

"How's the new job?"

"I start Monday."

"Nice. How-"

"Look. It's nice to see you again James, but"

"Jamie please. I'm sorry. I am so so sorry for everything that went down between us. I know I was an asshole and got jealous for no reason and I am truly sorry."

"I accept and appreciate your apology James, but I know what you're thinking and no- we cannot get back together. It would never work out. Goodbye James, it was nice to see you." 

"Jamie I-" Jimmy pleaded, but Jamie walked away, saying she needed to say last goodbyes before getting ready to catch her flight out tomorrow. 

That was the first, and certainly not the last time the pair said goodbye like that, as after all, love does give second chances.

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