Part 15

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"What the hell are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

"You need to fucking leave, Alex."

"Not until we talk." 

A pause of silence. 

"I want you back."

"Wh- what?"

"You heard me. I want you back. I want us back. I was us back now."

"No. You need to fucking leave, Alex."

Alex grabbed Jamie's arm and pulled her close, whispering in her ear, "I guess you didn't hear me the first time. I want us back. I am getting us back. No one here is going to help you right now."


Jimmy and George were finally able to enter Jamie's office an hour later, to find Jamie in her office alone. 

"I had a lot of work to do and locked the door so I would get distracted."


"It's fine! I'm fine!" 

"Bullshit. You aren't fine. You sent me that text for a reason. What happened? And do not say, 'Skittles I'm fine.' We're serious here J-dawg." 

It didn't take long for Jamie's composure to break and for her to start crying while telling Jimmy and George what happened with Alex, how he broke in and what followed. Jamie's phone then started to ring, with Jimmy going to answer. The team's security said they caught Alex leaving the facility and that he was handed over to the police who had some questions for Jamie, which then was prompted by a knock at the door, with a female detective walking in and taking Jamie's statement. 


While everyone else left for the day, Jimmy waited. He waited for Jamie to walk out of her office, to wrap her in his arms, and to drive her home, not leaving her side until she was okay- really okay. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait much longer. Jamie and the female detective were now walking over towards him, with the detective telling both Jimmy and Jamie that it wasn't safe for Jamie to be alone and in her apartment, and that if anything else happened, to call her number directly before walking away. Jimmy knew that Jamie didn't want to talk, that she just wanted to go home. So he walked her to his car, helped her in, before going around to the driver's seat and driving back to his apartment. He stayed by Jamie's side while she packed a duffle bag full of clothes, makeup, books, toiletries, and the bear Jimmy got her for Valentine's Day back in 2015. He stayed by her side while she set things in a spare drawer in his room and made sure she was comfortable, telling her he can sleep on the couch before finally leaving her side while she said she was going to shower. 

Jamie left Jimmy's room drying her hair and in a sweats and hoodie to be welcomed by the smell of Chipotle, Jimmy had door dashed Chipotle and chocolate ice cream. Jamie was shocked that Jimmy still knew her order. Taking a seat on the couch and sliding under the blanket with Jimmy, they watched the Bachelorette like how they would when they were dating. Jamie was shocked to see that Jimmy kept up with the Bachelor universe after they broke up but he said that she got him addicted, and that he got Skittles on the Bachelor/Bachelorette train too. After they finished their food, Jimmy brought over the carton of chocolate ice cream and two spoons. When the episode was finally over, Jimmy helped get Jamie situated in the master before getting ready to fall asleep on the couch when Jamie said, "Jimmy? I'm scared." before a tear trickled down her cheek. 

"Woah there principessa, no need to be scared okay? If anyone comes by I'll grab a frying pan and whack them in the head okay? I won't let anything happen to you. Ever." 

Jimmy then pulled Jamie into a hug and kissed the top of her head, and while holding her head in his hands, Jamie reached up and kissed him. A tender but loving kiss, a kiss that both had been waiting years for, a kiss that reassured both of them that they were each other's soulmate, a kiss that said "I love you, I miss you" for them. 




"Yes. I don't care if you asked me to marry you or let you not sleep on the couch or if you asked for sex or if you asked me to be your girlfriend again. Yes." 

"The last three," Jimmy replied before scooping Jamie up into a bridal hold and plopping her onto the bed, finally getting his principessa back. 

They finally got their second chance. 

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