Part 14

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"You're crying. And don't say you have something in your eyeballs like you did when you didn't want me to know when you were crying. Principessa, what's wrong?"



"Fuck. I really can't lie to you, huh?"

"Yep, you suck at lying anyways, especially when it comes to me," Jimmy said before winking and pulling Jamie into a hug, "you do realize you're a really pretty cryer right?"


"I'm serious! You're always gorgeous, but when you're crying, it's like your beauty times infinity, which I'm now realizing is extremely fucked up so I'm going let you go and we can talk tomorrow, okay?" 

"Okay Jimmy. Thank you." 

"Of course principessa." Jimmy gave Jamie a kiss on the forehead before pulling out of the hug and going back into his apartment, having Jamie promise to text him if she needs anything. From the entrance to their hallway, a hooded figure was standing near the elevator, watching the entire exchange, taking the occasional photo. The figure stood there, even after both Jimmy and Jamie went into their respective apartments, before finally stepping into the elevator, sneaking away into the night. 


Jimmy had decided to drive Jamie to and from work, since he knew she was still upset and that he didn't want her to driving until she felt better. Jimmy waited just inside the doorway to Jamie's apartment while she finished putting her tea in a thermos and making sure she had everything in her bag before the two walked down to the parking garage. Jimmy opened the passenger side door, letting Jamie in before he closed it and walked around to the driver's side, before starting the car and driving to Levi's. The way there listening to the radio when Enchanted by Taylor Swift- their song- come on the air. Both sat there awkwardly for a moment before breaking into a perfectly synced harmony, only to be interrupted when a call from Skittles came over the bluetooth. 

"Jamie! Are you okay? Claire told me, and J-dawg I'm so so sorry, I'll kick his ass for you, you know I can beat that stupid ass pharmacist up, "football isn't a real career, neither is an athletic trainer," like shut the fuck up dude, you're a stupid-ass fucking pharmacist who works inside a fucking CVS! Gasp! J-dawg, I bet he lied about getting into med school. That fraud! I knew it! It's okay, Jimmy and I will just expose his ass HA! Gotcha bitch! Never going to CVS again, that's for sure. Jamie are you sure you're okay? I can tell Kyle and Tasha you're sick so you can stay home if you need, you don't have to come in today. I have an idea- #boycottfuckingCVS ugh, banger hashtag right there if I say so myself."


1: I'm okay. 

2: Do not fight or expose him. 

3: Honestly, not sure if he lied about med school-wouldn't put it past him.

4: Boycott CVS all you fucking want

5: I will be at practice today because I am okay."

"Well I'm still buying you your favorite ice cream and bringing it to work." 

"I'm not stopping you Skittles." 



"Well uh- hey Jim. Nice to see you responded to my texts last night."

"Thanks for the sarcasm George."

"He never responds to my texts! He leaves me on read all the damn time and then goes 'well I was meaning to respond I just forgot' like no you didn't forget James."

"Huh. I've never had that issue."

"Yeah because you two are getting married one day." George put in before promptly hanging up, leaving Jimmy and Jamie sitting in silence before pulling into the parking lot at Levi's, walking into Jamie's office to find George already standing inside with the ice cream and a squishmallow- a dog with a football helmet holding a football. Jamie put the ice cream in her freezer, the squishmallow on her desk, promising to share the carton with Skittles, Bosa, and Jimmy after practice. 


Jamie watched most of practice before heading in to a meeting with the financial team with the Giant's head athletic coordinator Amy about their hotel reservation being cancelled and how quickly Jamie could help her find a new hotel and transportation to said hotel. While Jamie was on the zoom meeting, she heard the main door to her room open and quickly close, and figuring it was a player needing something but reading the sign that she was in a meeting, went to Tasha. Jamie finished her meeting with Amy by giving her the names and numbers of different hotels and to call her if she needed help and when she found a new reservation, telling Amy she would talk to Kyle about the transportation problem and get back to her ASAP. Jamie closed the window and sat in her chair for a few seconds, leaning back to see a figure in a dark hoodie rush away from the window and lock the main door. Looking back to her screen and seeing that practice was on a break and that Skittles would be on taking a phone call with Claire (Claire told her it was an issue with a pipe in their house and that she was out of town) Jamie texted him that someone in a dark hoodie was in her room and that she needed help, that she didn't know who it was and that they locked the main door, telling him to come in the door from the locker room. After receiving Skittle's response, Jamie then grabbed her pepper spray from her drawer before walking out to meet this masked intruder. 

"Hello, who's there?" 

"Hello Jamie."


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