First Date- My Neighbor Pt 2 (Jenna)

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Summary: Jenna takes y/n out on their first date.

Warnings: none, just fluff.

Jenna's POV

The audition went really well and they said that I may be getting the role! There are still 2 phases left for the final decision so I don't wanna get too excited but I really feel like I'm getting it, wow working with Tim Burton would be a dream come true.

I get home and see y/n playing with her dog on the park in the distance. She looks so cute and happy I just feel like I wanna run and hug her, but off course I'm not doing that now, it'll be weird and too soon so I just giggle and go to the elevator.

The first thing that I do when I get home is call the utility company and make the transfer to pay the bills, I can't live another minute without water!

Then I just make an iced coffee and sit on the couch watching tiktoks but I couldn't get the image of y/n from earlier out of my head and then realize that I was so deep in thought that I had been watching the same tiktok for about a minute.

Anyways I'm looking forward to take her out but I need to plan the perfect date and actually seeing her in the park gave me a really good idea. I don't want this first date to be on a restaurant or a public place, I want to give her all the attention and usually when I'm out people start asking me for pictures or autographs and don't get me wrong I like it but I want this to be special for her, no distractions.

Y/n's POV

I get home from my walk with y/pet/n and I'm a little bit tired. I never thought that playing with a dog was like doing aerobics but it certainly is! So I decide to get a shower and start working on some projects from college.

I make myself a sandwich and chocolate milk and sit on the desk to start working. I really like going to college and study what I chose but something about assignments for home is just not for me, I can sit here for hours and still have a really hard time focusing, not to mention that I've been thinking about Jenna and the encounter we had for the rest of the day. Did she really invited me out? Is she actually interested in me? Why didn't she gave me her number? She thinks I'm pretty for real or it was just something she said to be nice? I start overthinking a lot and then my phone rings.


"What's up girl?"



"Ohh hi! Sorry I didn't see who was calling.
What's up?"

"Well I'm pretty great, I just wanted to call you, y'know we haven't been talking a lot lately"

"Yeah, I'm sorry girl. I have been really busy with college stuff and forgot to call you, any gossip to tell though?" I ask curiously.

"Hmm not really, my life hasn't been that interesting these days, I just had an argument with a professor yesterday but not to exciting. Do you have something?"

"Weeell I actually do" I say excited.

"Spill the tea!" She gets excited too.

"So remember when I told you that the Jenna Ortega herself was living in this same building?"

"Ohh yess how could I not? You were very surprised and didn't believe it, and couldn't stop talking about the crush you have on her!"

I giggled "Yes, well she randomly knocked on my door this morning and asked if she could use my shower"

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