From a Cradle to a Grave

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"She's here Aaliyah. The baby is here" Celia tells me and I leaned up quickly. "What?" I asked touching around me not feeling or hearing anything. "I'm so sorry Aaliyah. You didn't make it." Celia tells me and tears fell from my face, as I watched Klaus cradle my dead body. "Genevieve cut her from you, or she would've died to." Celia tells me, and hugs me tightly. "You need to wake up Aaliyah." She tells me and I eye her. "I'm dead Celia how the hell do I just wake up." I asked her and she chuckled.

 "There's a reason I preached that prophecy to you Aaliyah. It wasn't just about he girls. It was about you to." Celia tells me as she starts to fade. "What the hell are you on about?" I asked looking down at my body as the wounds start to heal and she smirks. "You're transitioning." She tells me and I suddenly felt sad. "I won't be a witch anymore. I'll be a vampire" I tell her and she chuckles, "You're turning into something greater than a vampire, Aaliyah." She tells me and kissed my head before saying, "This is goodbye Aaliyah. Until we meet again" she says and fully fades.


I gasped as I woke up and looked around, Hayley was gone as well, making me smirk. I'm getting those bastards that took my baby.


I storm into the cemetery looking around before closing my eyes and following my instincts. 

I walk up as Elijah picks up an urn and lobs it at the witches, which slams against Genevieve's hand and knocks the athame onto the ground. The three run toward them, so Monique and Abigail hold each other's hands and channel the ancestors' power to throw them except me backwards while Genevieve goes to find the athame

La mère, le père, le frère, la sœur... La mère, le père, le frère, la sœur...

" You fools! To come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour? You don't face three, you face us all!" Monique called out As they continue to use magic against them, Elijah and Klaus can see that hundreds and hundreds of the dead witches have come together to protect them as they complete their sacrifice, that's when I stepped up.

I held my hands up towards Monique and Abigail and chanted using their spell against them
" La mère, le père, le frère, la sœur... La mère, le père, le frère, la sœur..."
I herd the whispers but ignored them as I chanted louder, "Go!" I screamed before chanting again giving them access

Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. He throws it forcefully toward Abigail, which impales her through the stomach and kills her, breaking the connection that she and Monique had to the ancestors so my spell was more powerful making the whispers stop as I took a step forward as the 100 dead witches disappeared.

Monique quickly runs to grab the athame to finish the sacrifice herself. Klaus and Elijah vamp-speed toward her, but she uses her magic to block them using a wall of fire I chanted a protection blocking spell granting them access around Monique's magic

" Noooo!" Hayley screamed out

Genevieve continues the pain infliction spell to prevent her interference. Just as Monique is about to sacrifice the babies, she's hit with the Devil's Star, which embeds itself in her stomach. Her body becomes covered in cuts, and she coughs up blood before falling to the ground. Klaus, Elijah, and I turn around to see that Marcel was the one who saved the babies, before they can say anything, Marcel vamp-speeds to the babies, and then vamp-speeds away with it. Klaus and I quickly follow after him.

Klaus and I enter the compound to find all of the bitten vampires dead and strewn across the courtyard. Marcel is holding the babies in his arms as he sits by the fountain, waiting for us
I walk up but Marcel doesn't move. "I was too late. There should have been more time."

Klaus looks around the room and takes in the carnage that surrounds them, " Looks like the wolves came back and finished what they started." The baby stirs and coos, and Marcel stares down at her I smile slightly, " You took my daughter so I would heal you and your friends." Klaus said and I sat next to Marcel, before taking my baby into my arms as I cooed and smiled at her. Marcel looks at him weakly, but Klaus just laughs and shrugs before holding out his wrist to him, "Here." Marcel pulls away from him saying " This bite, all this... I know it didn't come from nowhere. This is the last note in a song that I started a century ago when I brought your dad to town. And for that, I am sorry. "

Klaus looks at him and them me then back at Marcellus sympathetically and kneels in front of him " No. You saved my children's lives, Marcel. For that, you deserve this." He holds out his wrist, and Marcel bites into it and drinks his blood " We will take down whoever brought this upon us, I swear it. " Marcel looks up at Klaus in shock, finally healing. Klaus look over at me and stood up traveling over staring at his daughter in awe and relief " May I?" I hand him the baby, as he hands me the other, and he takes her and swiftly kisses my head. " Shhhh. Oh! Hey! Hey there. "The baby looks over at Marcel, and he smiles from joy. They laugh. Marcel came up behind me and scooped me up twirling me around.


Klaus helped me prick our child's finger, and her wails mixed with the other, as I sucked on the droplet of her blood. The poke soon healed as I bounced her from side to side shushing her. 


'They will be watching us. All of them. The three of us leaving together will draw too much attention. I will go alone. Take your mourning public when I am gone.' Klaus' voice played in my head. He left to hand off his and Hayley's child Hope Andrea Mikealson, off to Rebekah. I had another plan.

I put flowers down at the plaque announcing Hayley and I's children's death, and kissed my fingers placing them both on mine and then her plaque. I stood up and hugged Hayley who squeezed me tightly. I went back to the compound before taking my child out of her bassinet. I held my child close to me as the tears fell down my face. I pulled her back and kissed her head. "Its just me and you baby girl." I whispered.

I walked into Klaus' room and placed an envelope with a letter I wrote for him on his bed. "I'm sorry" I whispered, before I walked down the stairs to see Elijah and Hayley. "If you need anything you call, and we can be there in seconds" Elijah mumbled to me and I nodded hugged both of them, before going to my car.

I started to drive and stopped at a red light looking back at the sleeping baby.

My baby girl.

Mckenna Katrina Mikealson

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