Chapter 4

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*TRIGGER WARNING: MENTION OF OVERTHINKING ABOUT CALORIES ( no numbers mentioned ) you can read the parts of the chapter that do not have * if you aren't comfortable with reading about such things

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*TRIGGER WARNING: MENTION OF OVERTHINKING ABOUT CALORIES ( no numbers mentioned ) you can read the parts of the chapter that do not have * if you aren't comfortable with reading about such things.

I walk into my philosophy class and take a seat, in the same place I did for Spanish, since the classrooms are similar in design. Except, each bench can only sit two people instead of three. Once I sit down, I take out my books and prepare for the lesson, as more people file in. Just when I thought I got lucky to have both seats to myself, I felt a familiar presence beside me. I look up, only to meet the same eyes I've seen a lot today (despite the day just starting 2 hours ago)

"You know, for someone who told me to move aside, you sure are everywhere I am," I say to him.

"Oh yeah? Well, how are you so sure that you're not the one that's following me, hm?" He asks, cocking his eyebrow up.

"Okay, okay enough. We can simply just not talk, yeah? Since I talk too loud for you," I mutter the last part, which I hoped he didn't catch.

He opens his mouth to say something, but promptly closes it as the professor walks in. Thankfully this was a new subject I was doing, so I was too busy actually paying attention to the class, instead of the man on my left. After taking note of literally everything the professor had said, I began to pack up as class ended. Just as I get up, I nearly stubble back into my seat, when a pair of strong arms grab onto me.

"Woah, slow down there sweetheart, you alright?" Carter asks, as I see a flash of, worry?, In his eyes.

'Don't be ridiculous, no one that hot would care about someone like you,'

Ah, how lovely, the voice is back. It's then that I realize I was still in Carter's arms.


"I'm sorry," I say, immediately getting out of his hold. "Y-yes, I'm fine," I say as I practically run out of the classroom, clutching onto my books tightly.

It takes me a second to realize that it is lunch time. How lovely, my favorite part of the day. (note the sarcasm) I immediately decide against going to the campus cafe and head to the library instead. I quickly dropped the girls a text letting them know where I was, so they wouldn't worry. I then pull up my playlist and start studying. Before I knew it, lunch was over and thankfully I only had one more class for the day. The one I was most looking forward to.

English and Literature, my major.

I don't really remember when my love for english really started. I guess I always liked it because I did really well in it, but now I have a passion for the subject. I always dreamt of being an actress but, having anxiety doesn't really help. So instead, I would write stories and scripts and perform them for my stuffed toys, who were very supportive might I add. Ever since I could remember, I expressed my feelings through words. I wasn't really big on talking them out. Thus, most of my conflicts with friends were resolved through handwritten notes. Who knows, maybe that's my love language. Words of affection. Too bad I don't have anyone to show it to. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my friends. Emma and Sophie have been there with me since forever. I love them with all my heart, it's just that I wished I had someone to share true love with. I know I had a rough past, but that doesn't mean I'd want to stay single forever, you know? But that topic can wait, I am currently seated in the middle row beside a boy, with dirty loner hair. He has really pretty gray eyes, as much as I hated to admit it, they weren't as pretty as Carter's but since they're a unique color, they were still pretty.

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