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Even after we went threw about 20 truths and 15 dares, it was still only 12:45am.
We kind have ran out of things to do so Tara and Nathan decided to head home.
I was left alone. With Dennis. My green eyed little nymph.
He was in the kitchen emptying the popcorn bowls into the bin and throwing empty cans and papers away while I swept the floor.
He was rinsing one of the bowls at the sink. I stared at him in awe, he really had the most perfect figure ever. The white jeans were a little discolored from a can of what seemed like coke after spilling on them. I strolled offer to him, and hugged him from behind, placing a sweet little kiss just at his neck.
He leaned his head back a little with his eyes closed, he was obviously in need of more. But I didn't want to get into that too early..however I really didn't want his lips again. And his tongue for that matter. Oh and that sexy body of his, damn all the things I could do to that perfect physique.
I simply just stood there with my hands wrapped around his waist from behind with my head rested on his shoulder as we swayed gently from side to side.
Dennis turned around so he wasfacing me.
We both just looked at each other, our lips inches away from each other. He looked into my eyes and then to my lips, before I knew it he was closing his eyes and leaning in for what seemed to be another make out session .
His hands went from my sides to around my neck and we simply just kissed for 5 seconds, parted for a second and breathed. We repeated this little sequence until Dennis decided to make the first move this time slipping his tongue in, just a little too teasingly, as I begged for more. I held onto his plump little bottom pulling him closer to me as our tongues were pushing against each other, sliding around each other and having fun with each other. With the occasional biting of the lip. What started off in the kitchen made its way to the living room where I pushed Dennis up against the wall. Our kiss getting extremely messy but oh my was it turning me on like fuck. Dennis wrapped his legs around my waist as I hoisted him up against the wall having a different angle of his mouth. Words cannot describe how good this felt, but what if he didn't feel the same way..well if he didn't he wouldnt be kissing back or why am I even thinking when I'm too busy making out okay bye thoughts

The messy part if our kiss of over, we just neatly slid our tongues in and out hooking on together the odd time. Dennis had started tugging. On my hair, and judging by the nudge I felt coming from his pants, I'm sure he wanted just a little more. However I was quite content with this session.
Our lips parted, Dennis looked down at me while he was still hoisted up and his legs around my waist
And I looked up at him. His eyes were fullest with lust and pleasure. I assume mine did too. we just locked eyes and I gently swayed side to side with him in my arms.
"you're a good kisser" Dennis whispered , even though there were no one in the house but ourselves.
His little comment made me. Flush and I just replied with a smirk and pecking his lips once more before carrying him bridal style up to my bedroom.
He took off his jeans, and his jumper, he was left in only a faint tank top with black boxers. I was however, just in my red american apparel boxers. We climbed into my bed, sharing the same pillow. Facing each other, we just smiled as he dozed off to sleep. He ended up turning in the next five minutes and I wrapped my arm around him as we spooned and snuggled with each other. It was definitely one of the best nights of my life.
Next day for school:
I heard a faint sound of an alarm.although it was enough to wake me up as I'm a very light sleeper. I woke up with Dennis in my arms, wow was he sexy with his bed-head hair and messed up tank-top.
Today was Tuesday which meant school but Dennis refused to wear the same clothes he wore yesterday.

"Fine well you can borrow some of my clothes although they night be big on your frail body"

he clicked his fingers in a 'Z-formation'.
"do you ever make sense pretty boy?"
"Yes, When I'm dressed in a sand which costume." He giggled and hid under mY bed.
I stuffed a pair of hot pink jeans under my bed for him to take.
" I just assume you want something colorful amirite baby?"
"D'aww you know me too well Laquisha"
I stuffed a black oversized jumper under his bed which had a purple Batman logo on it.
"Oooh, its so fancy and snuggly" he whimpered in awe of how beautiful it was. "Hey you know why else is really beautiful and filling up the view quite nicely? Heheh, nice ass Lukey"
I grabbed my buns and jumped around .
"Hue Hue Hue okay then. "

Dennis proceeded to put on the jeans I lend him under the bed and put the batman jumper on as he stood up and stared out the window as he waited for me to get changed.
I wore an All Time Low T-shirt with a deep red flannel around the waist of my jeans which were a charcoal black. I wore my everyday red converse and popped on a pair of lense-less nerd glasses. I popped on a read beanie and sneaked back into my room to see the blondey boy didn't realize I had returned, I tip toed over to him as he gazed out my window, and tackled him.
Where my window was, it was a large wide window will that looked like half a hexagon, I covered it with pillows and turned it into a seating area.
I spun him around and pinned him down on my seating area as a left our faces a centimeter apart, not wanting to make the first move in case he didn't want to continue what we started last night. So I left it at that, just to tease him. But before I got my chance to slowly pull away, I did the opposite. Dennis pulled me down into a kiss, that went straight to tongues. It only lasted a minuted before I picked him up with his little booty on my crotch with his legs.wrapped around my waist. T
"Time for school baby girl" he said to me as he winked and dropped his legs.

Dennis popped on this pastel pink flower crown that he randomly found out of my sister Cassie's room.

HEY GUYS. Sorry it's soooo short. I'm gong to you I promise
I'll be adding a story this in the next few chapters so any ideas and message me c: I'll give you credit if I choose your.story bye bye xx

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