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The next day... 

"Woah.. Your outfit" Alyx said, 

"What about it?" I asked,

"It's cool," Eclipse said, 

*My outfit is a black half skirt with a white collared shirt with a messed up red tie and I had a mask on*

"I got you two outfits also," I said, pointing at my closet

"No way, "Alyx said, 

"Eclipse, urs is the one with the stars on it," I said, 

"Cool!"Eclipse said,

"Alyx yours is the other one," I said,

"Nice" Alyx said,

At the competition...

"Okay, so they're gonna tell us one by one whos going up against who"I explained, 

"Ahma! from team Chaos, Is up first Against Ry Ry from the One Teamers," The big screen said,

"YOU'RE FIRST?!"Eclipse questioned, 

"The winner from the last year always goes first" I replied, 

"I'll see you two after, alright?"I said, 

"Be careful" Alyx said,

"Knock 'em, dead!"Eclipse said, 

I went to the starting line with the other person,

"Ry Ry is supposed to have a lot of small explosions, "I thought, 

"Welcome back, Ahma!"Ry Ry said,

I just got my skateboard ready in silence,

"Aww, still so quiet?"Ry Ry said, 

"I don't need to waste my words on you.. or someone like you for that matter, "I replied, 

"Wow, so harsh.. Ahma"Ry Ry said,

"Ready .. Set.. Go" the big screen said,

We started racing each other, going around the skating tracks. Me with my skateboard and him with his rollerblades, 

Suddenly he started reaching into his pockets and pulled out something.

"Hey Ahma, take fast!" Ry Ry said, throwing it toward me, 

I put my hands in my pockets trying to decide if I want to use it now or not..

With Alyx and Eclipse watching Ari skate**

"What's she pulling out?"Eclipse questioned, 

"I don't know"Alyx replied, 

Back with me**

I was planning on pulling something out but just then changed my mind, 

there was a very sharp turn, 

"What's wrong Ahma? Forgot how to play dirty?"Ry said, 

I just ignored him and zoomed right past him, 

Then randomly slowed down.

"What's wrong you have a problem?"Ry asked sarcastically getting up close beside me, 

grabbing me and almost making me fall off my skateboard,


The sharp turn finally came up so I sped up.

Back with my friends *

"What is she doing? She's gonna end up getting hurt! I "Eclipse said, 

"Woah..." Alyx said, 

"How did she..?" Eclipse said, 

"Look here she comes right now, "Eclipse said pointing at Ari turning the corner, 

"Ry's catching up," Alyx said, 

"Come on... COME ON ARI!" Eclipse shouted, 

Suddenly the moment eclipse blinked Ari had crossed the finish line and left Ry in the dust.

"Omg.. You did it" Alyx said,

"You did it, Ari!!"Eclipse said, 

"Nice Job, Ahma wasn't it?"A random boy asked me, 

"Thanks, yeah it's Ahma"I replied to him,

"I'm C" He introduced, 

"Hey, it's the boy from the sign-up tables"Eclipse pointed out to Alyx, 

"Nice to meet you, C," I said winking at him, 

"Nice to meet you too, we go to the same school don't we?" C asked, 

"Maybe, wait! You're in my Spanish class!" I said, 

"Why'd you assume that is it because I'm Mexican??"C said, 

"Noo! You sit next to me in Spanish period, you gave me your numb-" I was saying right before he started laughing, 

"I'm just joking, don't worry," C said, 

"Still untouchable I see, Ahma?" Ry said, 

"Always" I replied, 

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