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may 16, 2022

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may 16, 2022

it's been a full year, magui and joão had a healthy relationship together. as well as ivy, they got even closer. they all formed a nice bond, but the original duo ruled. joão and ivy had gotten even closer if possible, they started hanging out almost everyday even with magui. joão loved seeing his best friend and girlfriend bonding.

   ivy's feelings for joão didn't fade, instead it got stronger. she couldn't handle it anymore, she'd go to the bathroom to calm herself every time magui touches him. she couldn't control it anymore, she started using distractions to help her. she got a nice job, as a restaurant manager.

    ivy's applications got denied, but her manager quitted so they offered her the job. meanwhile magui was getting close with a guy called pedro, ivy got curious. ivy felt bad for joão, she had a feeling something bad was going to happen and tried to warn him. he just told her not to worry, and that they were just friends. that sounds familiar, ivy thought.

   joão didn't mind that she had a guy friend, he does have friends that are girls, well only one. so he didn't seem a bit suspicious, the key to a healthy relationship was trust. he trusted her, enough to keep the relationship going.
ivy even noticed the change in magui's behaviour, she starts getting kind of bothered when joão touches her.

    ivy told joão about her observation, and he just said that maybe it was her lady's week. ivy knew she wasn't on her period, she had finished a week ago. joão kept making excuses, about how she changed. ivy didn't believe that she changed, but just let it go for joão's sake. magui has also been going out with her friends a lot recently, ivy knew that she didn't have much friends here.

    ivy knew that magui was lying, she has seen this before. pedro is even rich and a football player, so there is a high chance that she could do something. ivy's heart broke at the thought, imagine what would joão feel. she felt guilty and trusted joão, even though she had a bad feeling.

    carina and miles were at ivy's house, they were playing cards all together and having a fun evening. meanwhile joão was home alone due to magui going out with her friend, so he went over to ivy's house. she opened the door and saw joão, she welcomed him in with a hug. they all started playing and with chatting and sharing laughs.

    joão enjoys his time with ivy, he feels a warm welcome like he's finally home. then with magui he has this feeling of love mixed with loneliness, he didn't know why he picked those two emotions but he did. he started at ivy playing, he started having this weird sensation in his stomach. he has never had that with magui, he got shivers from the feeling. he brushed it off, and continued playing.

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