Sagittarius' Strategy

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"Noted." Sagittarius said as she observed the end of the first team match adjusting her glasses as she often does when thinking.

As a member of the Orion Hunters team and it's strategist she took it upon herself to analyse her future opponents skill.

"Pretty awesome, wasn't it." Leo said.
"Hardly." She repied."Based on my evaluation.They were all third rate C-rank fighters.Except perhaps for Taurus he showed both strength,speed and intelligence.He may be A-rank threat."

"I could take him." Leo said boldly.

"I would think it unlikely b/c your B-rank."

"What!No way." He shouted.

"Don't be offended I'm B-rank too." She replied.

Leo relaxed and smiled.It was just like Sag (that's what he called her even tho she hated it... but hey unlike his her name is way too long.) to give emotion and bias-free evaluations.At least she wasn't saying she was better than him.He'll just has to prove how strong he is to her.

"Gemini over there however is A-rank." She added.

Leo smiled,blinked and lost his cool.He started raging around the room complaining.

Gemini was sitting in a corner with a blank look in his face.He rarely spoke except to say "We are Gemini"(Sorta like "I am Groot thing").He has to admit he was a one man army whose ability is really helpful in a pinch and thus stored as their team's ace in the hole but still Leo was the Team leader.He should be the most powerful one in the team.It was a matter of honor.He turned to complain about the ranking to Sag only to realize she was gone.Where could she run off too minutes before their match starts he wondered.

Obviously Sag went to spy on their opponents.Gathering intellegence was essential for success.However she only found one person at their opponent's resting spot.

A young lady in blue clothes reading an old book.Aquarius she persumed.She tried to introduce herself but Aquarius ignored her only sayin gas to herself  "Bears do not care for the names of ants."

'Arrogant..much?' Sag thought but didn't say anything.As Napoleon once said 'Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.'.Arrogance will hinder her from for working together with her team.Sag could use that.

Now to find weakness of other two members.


"Ouch" Pisces said as she gained consciousness.Her nose heart really bad.She realized she was laying on one of the bench's in the waiting area.She tried to get up but Scorpio pulled her down.He was sitting next to her.He put her head in his lap and said unemotionally "Your nose is broken and bleeding.Better hold this position."

"But the match!" She said.

"Yeah,you lost" he added."Ran out of energy and broke your nose on the crab guys forehead."

Pisces covered her head and sighed."Talk about embarrassing.And after all my big talk too."

"Well I lost too.Don't take it to hard." He said.

"And Aries?" She asked not too hopeful.
Scorpio shrugged."He won the battle but may loose the war.He's pretty injured." He said pointing sideways.

Pisces looked and almost screamed.Aries looked so beat up it was almost like he was run over by a large train.Twice!Even more troubling than what he looked like was what he was saying."Don't talk nonsense Scorpio.I'm ready for round two.I will win against that Taurus guy for sure next time."

"Are you crazy!" Pisces objected." .You look like your about to die!Just drop out of the competition and go see a healer immediately.A title isn't worth your life." She complained.

"Never!" He shouted."I said I will beat that guy and become the Zenith I won't give up.Not now.Not ever!" He said with such determination in his eyes that she flinched.It was admirable how stubborn and devoted he could be to his goal and a part of her wanted to encourage him but she didn't want to see him get hurt.What to do... she wondered.

"Perhaps I could help." A voice said and they turned to see a little girl skipping towards them."Hi I'm Virgo and I'm a healer.I came to heal your wounds and restore your energy." She declared.

All stared at her in silence."Why?" Pisces asked suspiciously.

"Well b/c it's kind.And we should be kind and compassionate to one another." the girl replied.

Pisces was still suspicious about the offer which sounded too good to be true but the girl seemed to emit a halo of innocence and 'No way she could be tricking them' vibes.

Pisces looked at Scorpio and he shrugged."Okaay.." she finally said unsurely.

The little girl beamed(she literarily started glowing too) and booped Pieces nose.Pisces expected it to hurt but it was the opposite.In a second she was completely healed and her energy restored.This girl must really be gifted.

The girl turned to Scorpio but he shook his head.That's when Pisces realized Scorpio didn't even have a scratch on his body.What was that about...

Aries hesitated.It's not that he didn't trust her.(He isn't suspicious by nature). It was that he didn't think he needed any help.

"I can fight and win on my own..." he started to say but he remembered Taurus's words about acknowledging his weakness and relying on others.Perhaps he should actually take an advice for once.
"On second thought.I would appreciate the help." He said changing his mind.

Virgo squealed happily turning to heal Aries."I'm so glad I get to help" she said before starting to chat endlessly.
"I couldn't help Hercules Trio Team.Taurus said he appreciated the thought but I should conserve my energy.Cancer wouldn't accept help from little girls.I tried to heal Cap's paralysis but he said it didn't work and I should try again and again till it did.But I think he just wanted me to stay with him longer.I think he likes me.Wouldn't that be wonderful.I always wanted a boyfriend.But then Libra came and started threatening him.She's so over protective sometimes.Oh that's her.Hi Libra!" Virgo sayed waving at a figure that appeared running towards them.

A blindfolded woman wearing robs appeared.
"Don't go running of little lamb.The world's a dangerous place filled with evil.You need me to protect you.Stay by my side." She said formally.

"Oh don't be dramatic." Virgo said laughing at Libra's diction."I just came to heal and restore this team's energy."

"Heaven's forbid!" Libra exclaimed."You should have listened to what the big brute from before said.You should conserve your energy for the upcoming match.Besides you may yet fight that boy in later stages of this tournament.Why help a possible enemy?" She asked.

"Because it's nice to do so.Besides he's really hurt.He may end up dying if he went to fight a match in this state." Virgo reasoned.

"Your words move me.Little Lamb." Libra said sincerely kneeling on one knee before Virgo."Do as you must.But please just heal his body and don't restore his cosmic energy.That should be enough to save his life without expenditure of too much energy on your part or endangering your future aspect of becoming the Zenith.A fair compromise." She said.

"Okay" Virgo said and with a touch healed Aries' scars."Sorry but this is all I can do now." She said.

"You kidding.This is awesome.I feel great!" Aries said."Thanks for the help.I will be rooting for you in your match but if we become opponents later won't go any easy on you." He said.

"Sure thing!" Virgo said

"Seems fair." Libra said as they walked away to the match arena.

Sag who had hidden near by and heard the entire exchange said "Noted" as she discovered Virgo and Libra's weaknesses.

Her special technique was stargazing.Much like her Centaur ancestors she could pierce the secrets of the universe.Look into the immediate future and make a perfect plan.Now she had made a foolproof plan for victory.

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