48. This Is What I Thought About

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I stare at Cornelius for a few seconds in total shock. My heart skips a few beats with disbelief. "What?" I finally breathe, dropping my arms to my sides. "I can't... I don't believe this..." I shake my head numbly.

"It's true," Vyndren sighs and stands back up, running his hand through his hair.

Now I stare at him in shock. "You knew? You knew this whole time that...that Cornelius is my dad? And you NEVER TOLD ME?!" Now I glare at them both. Fireworks of fury and shock spark through my bloodstream. "Why doesn't anybody ever tell me anything?! Th-this is beyond words, guys! BEYOND WORDS!" I shriek.

"Adara -" Vyndren starts but is interrupted by Cornelius.

"Adara, please, I was going to tell you, I promise, but I was going to do it in a timely fashion. Not right before your Labors, I would never want to add more stress on you. But this creature," he shoots Vyndren a seething look of resentment. "Has managed to ruin everything for you."

The Dark Rider glares at my father. "I told you, I am willing to atone. I will die for Adara if that's what it takes to free her. Because yeah, against all odds," his tone softens as he gazes at me. "I do truly love her, and I know she deserves far more than my life, but it's all I have left to give."

My heart swells with some much love for him, it starts to break.

"No," I say wobblily and back away from the both of them. "Holy cow this is...beyond words," I raggedly whisper to myself and turn away, unable to look at them anymore just this second. Cornelius is my father, Vyndren is reckless and suicidal, Cornelius is my father -

But now I hear Cornelius softly hiss to Vyndren, "if you really are so besotted with my daughter then..." I turn around to see Cornelius raise his sword again and Vyndren nods and lowers himself to the ground on a knee and bows his head.

"No!" I spring forward and -with speed I might add that I didn't think I possess- I snatch one of Vyndren's swords from its sheath and the black blade catches Cornelius' just in time as he swings for the Prince's throat.

The blades clash together in a flash of light.

I thrust the White Knight's blade back and -caught up on a high of all my ramped emotions- I lash out again, bringing my sword back down over his as I keep pushing him back.

"Adara!" Vyndren quickly grabs me from behind and pulls the sword out my trembling hands. "Adara...it's alright," he says softly, his fiery eyes are dim with pain. "You can let this end here."

"No! No, I will not! This is not okay!" I spring away from him. "None of this is okay! You keep secrets from me! ALL THE TIME! And you!" I spin around to glare at Cornelius. He has at leastwise put his sword away. "You're my dad?! Omigod! Don't you think that's KINDA A BIG DEAL?! Why didn't you like, tell me that right away?! All this time, you're my dad..." I say softly with disbelief. "I have a dad..." I feel so stunned, I'm breathless. "This is...holy cow, this is a lot to take in, I think I can't breathe."

I take a step back and try to take deep, deep breathes.

"Just...take your time, Adara," Cornelius tells me gently.

"Who else knows about this!?" I finally demand.

"Believe me, my dear, I was going to tell you the truth. I just... was at a loss for words. How does one tell a girl they just met that she's their daughter? I didn't want to farther burden you, I know you're already facing so much in this strange, new world..." He briefly looks away. "And no one else knows expect...the Queen of Hearts, but so far she hasn't used it against us."

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