First Time

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Eva's POV

As she got out of her car, she looked up at her new home in her new town called Evergreen. It wasn't a big house, just a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom rambler house just big enough for her to start her new life in. The mover's had already put all her stuff in a few days ago so she didn't have to worry about moving stuff. The house was on the end of a lone country road surrounded by thick forest and also had a nice flowing stream going past it. Eva opened the door and went in the house breathing in the fresh pine scent coming through the house from the forest outside, she went into her kitchen and looked out the little window at the backyard. The forest looked dark and dense since it was late in the afternoon and the sun was setting, even the fireflies were starting to come out in the warm summer afternoon. Seeing that nighttime was fast approaching she went around the house to make sure all the windows and doors were locked, ever since she was young, she kind of had a fear of the darkness and what was in it. After checking all the locks she went back in her bedroom and laid out her night clothes across the bed and turned to look at herself in the mirror. She was only 5ft tall and a bit on the thin side but healthy enough, she had thick black hair to frame her heart shaped face.

After taking a nice hot shower and putting on her purple night gown she climbed in bed relaxed but a bit nervous, it was her first time she was going to sleep in a house without her dad down the hall to make her feel safe. She was really on her own now, at 20 she felt that it was about time she start going her own way and starting her own life, " I hope I'm doing the right thing," she said as she pulled the covers up and drifting off to sleep listening to the crickets chirp outside.


As he looked at himself in the mirror, it had just started to sink in that he was now the alpha of the Evergreen Pack since his father was killed in a fight with another alpha from another territory.

( Flashback )

The fight started when wolves from another pack led by their alpha crossed onto their territory in hopes of taking over, Tom was supposed to be on patrol that night with the pack warriors but his father assigned him to some other pack business while he went out instead. When his father and his warriors found the other pack on their territory, all hell broke lose. Growls , barks and roars could be heard throughout the forest that night indicating their was a fight to the death going on, when the two alpha's came face to face, their fighters stopped fighting letting them both have their dual. Tom's father Alpha Clark was a big dark grey wolf that could easily match the strength of ten men while the other alpha, Alpha Damon was a big dark blonde wolf with the same strength as Alpha Clark. The two charged at eachother full speed, Clark cut right biting deep into Damon's left leg making a loud growl escape his mouth. Damon opened his mouth biting down hard on Clarks neck making Clark loosen his grip, then Clark threw his body hard against Damon's sending him flying into a tree, blurring his vision. Even though Clark was an alpha very experienced with fighting, he was getting old and had lost a bit of strength but still decided to keep defending his pack, Damon got up and charged back at Clark but was blindsided when Clark's beta blindsided him knocking him down letting Clark get a hold of his neck between his sharp teeth. He kept his grip on Damon's neck until he felt him weaken, he let go of Damon thinking he surrendered and turned to give a victory howl when all of a sudden Damon sprang up lunging at Clark's throat biting down with full force. Clarks pack watched in horror as their alphas throat was torn open with blood flowing out , his warriors sprang forth attacking Damon's pack while some attempted to get Damon off of their alpha but it was too late. Alpha Clark gave one last groaning howl of defeat knowing his death was near as his life started to slip away and his body fell limp at the feet of Alpha Damon who looked down upon his carcass with his mouth dripping the alpha's blood and pointed head up to the night sky giving a loud howl of victory along with his pack. Clark's pack growled at Damon as he turned and ran off with his pack behind him, Damon stopped and looked back at Clark's beta Mark, mind linking with him saying, " Don't think I'm running away, I will return ".

( Flashback Over )

Tom stood up in just his jean shorts since he was going to be shifting and didn't want to waste his clothes. He looked out the window of his master bedroom seeing the moon hidden behind some clouds in the night sky, he took a deep breath and got ready to go on his nightly patrol with his warriors. Ever since his fathers death he made sure to do both nightly and daytime patrols to ensure the same thing didn't happen again, he knew in the back of his mind that Damon would come back eventually and he wanted to make sure he was ready for him. He left out his room going down the long hallway that led to the stair case going downstairs, on the wall by the door was a portrait painting of his mother who passed away a few years earlier from a car accident. He loved his mom dearly, from her he learned how to be gentle and kind while also learning how to be an alpha and leader from his father.

He looked at himself in the mirror reaching up to ruffle his shaggy black hair over his blue eyes before opening the door and going down to the forest line to join his warriors. They all stripped off their shorts and started to shift with the sound of their cracking bones filling the night air, when Tom finished shifting he was the biggest wolf in the group since he was the alpha. Tom was a huge pure white wolf with no other markings and the same strength as his father. He looked at his beta and opened their mind link, " Take 10 fighters and start patrolling the west side, I'll take 10 and start on the east side, We'll meet by the north river, " he said before closing the link. With a nod to each other they both went off with their groups, Tom took off running first with his fighters while his eyes adjusted to the night forest. After completing their side of the patrol they stopped at the north river for a drink while waiting for Beta Mark and his troop, while Tom was walking along the river a strange sweet scent passed through his nostrils capturing his full attention. He followed the scent across the river until he came to a clearing with a small house in the middle, he cautiously walked out into the open with the scent growing stronger the closer he got to the house. His wolf started to purr in satisfaction as he went around the front of the house where the scent was strongest and at that moment his wolf said in his head, 'Mate !". Just the thought of knowing he had found his mate without even trying made him excited but suddenly he regained his focus and remembered that he was out on patrol with his pack, knowing that he was also at risk of an attack from being away from his pack. Not that it mattered, he could fight off at least two rouges if he was attacked. He started making his way back to the river when he turned around looked at the house and let out a long harmonious howl filled with passion knowing that he had found his mate. He gave one last look at the house before taking off across the river back to his pack.

So this is my first werewolf story, I'm not sure how its going to turn out but if you life it, Hit the vote button and let me know what you think.


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