The Dream

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Eva's POV

As Eva stayed in her deep sleep, her mind drifted off into a dream realm.

The Dream:

She was walking along a dirt path with white flowers on the side, she could see that she was wearing a short white summer dress. She looked up at the sky and it was bright and sunny, everything felt right and perfect then she began to wonder, Where was Tom?. she didn't know why she thought that but since they were now official mates, she wanted to know where he was. Eva walked further down the path until she came to a stream, she stepped in and started to walk across but something caught her eye, on the other side she could see a small, white wolf pup, it looked so cute and fluffy. Eva walked over to it and bent down and started petting it, the pup cuddled up to her and licked her hand.

Suddenly she felt a presence on her left side, she looked up to see Tom's wolf standing over her and the pup. She looked up at his blue eyes that looked to be filled with love for both her and the pup she was holding, the pup then jumped out of her arms and ran up to Tom and started rubbing against him. It looked weird, a giant wolf like Tom being gentle with such a little pup, she stood up as Tom bent down and licked the pup making him bark in excitement. Eva started petting Tom on his head as he pressed his muzzle to her stomach as if he was trying to tell her something," Tom, what are you doing?", she asked puzzled. He reached down and gently picked up the pup in his teeth handing him to Eva.

" Tom, what is going on?" she asked again but Tom gave no reply, instead he held his head up sniffing the breeze as if he smelt something. Her heart soon filled with fear at seeing Tom eyes go from peaceful blue to his crimson red Alpha eyes, she knew that only happened when he was enraged or in fight mode but she still couldn't see what was making him react this way. He then started to nudge Eva and the pup towards the river," Tom, what's happening, show me a sign or something," she said getting frustrated . Just as she had stepped in the river, she heard a loud growl with snarling, Eva clutched the pup closer to her as she turned around to see a huge blonde wolf walking in their direction. He was just as big as Tom and had his teeth barred ready to fight.

Tom hunched his back and barred his teeth at the incoming threat, Eva could only assume that the blonde wolf was another Alpha since it was as big as Tom. The two Alpha's squared off, waiting to see who would make the first move until the blonde wolf charged making Tom jump to the left and bite down into his hind leg. The blonde wolf howled in pain and started pushing Tom over into the trees, Eva walked out the river to see what was going on and saw the Wolves in a full out death fight. Since they were both the same size Tom wasn't able to toss him around like one of the rouges, the blonde blindsided Tom and slammed him up against a tree as Eva looked on in horror. " Get up, get up!", she shouted but Tom was badly injured and getting weaker from blood loss, the pup in her arms started to fidget around and bark making her put him down on the ground. The pup then started to run over to the fight, Eva ran up behind him trying to make him stop but instead she stopped when the pup all of a sudden shifted into a huge Alpha sized wolf  with grey fur. She stood shocked as to what just happened, things were getting more crazy but then she looked over at Tom lying bloodied at the foot of the tree. She was about to run over to him when the grey wolf growled and stopped her, it was then she could see that this wolf had the same crystal blue eyes as Tom, she stepped back in obedience as he charged at the blonde wolf making him back away from Tom.

The blonde wolf gave a final growl and ran off into the forest while the gray wolf ran over to Tom and helped him up. He was torn and bleeding but still alive, Eva walked over to him and started to put her hand on his head when she then started hearing Tom's voice but his mouth wasn't moving.

" I will always love you my darling," his voice echoed as Eva started to feel herself slip away out of dream realm and back into the real world. :

End of Dream

Eva woke up in a slight panic then feeling to her left and realizing that Tom was not there didn't help the matter. " Tom, are you still here?", she called out into the dark room but there was no reply, she got out of the bed and went over to the window pulling back the curtain, the sky was still dark and the moon was hidden behind some clouds. She looked over at the clock to see it read 11:37 PM, " Why would Tom leave after the moment we've just had, was it not as special to him as it was to me", the thoughts raced in her mind. She put on her night gown and robe then left out the room and went down the hall to the stair case, the pack house was dark except for a few table lamps that were left on, as she got to the bottom of the steps Eva could hear someone walking up behind her, she turned and looked to see Beta Mark's wife Penny. She and Eva became good friends over the past months since Tom had been busy with pack duties and she didn't have no one else to hang out with.

"Do you know where Tom is? I woke up and he was gone without telling me where he went."

Penny took Eva by the hand and led her over to the lounge area, sitting with her on a couch.

" Eva, I need to tell you something, some of this you might understand and some you may not but I would rather you hear it from me than anyone else", Penny said with a concerned look on her face making Eva's heart sink.

*I didn't really plan on how I was going to write this but let me know what you think Penny is going to tell Eva and I just might use your theory in the next chapter and dedicate the chapter to you. *

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