Foe and Family

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Eva's POV

Eva was glad Tom had his tracker Lisa driving her back home, she had a long day and carrying around a 3 month old pup was hard on her back and ankles. She lay a hand over her tummy as she felt herself drifting off into a deep sleep, looking up at the night sky she gazed at the moon remembering the time Tom took her up on the cliff to howl at the moon. He was always sure to include her in the ways of his kind and even when she wasn't sure about herself, he was always there to comfort her. As the night went on Eva found herself having a hard time finding a comfortable position in the passenger seat, " Luna are you ok?", Lisa asked concerned. ' I'm just having a hard time trying to sleep in this position," Eva replied yawning.

Lisa then slowed down the car and started pulling over to the side of the road, then got out and went over to Eva's side and opened the door.

" Luna it might help if you lay down on the back seat, it will give you better support."

Eva tried to lift herself out of the car on her own strength but then had a sudden sharp pain in her back making her fall to her knees. Lisa reached down and tried to pull her back up but the pain was too much to handle, so she helped Eva lean back against the car hoping the pain would go away so they could continue the drive. Even though everything was quiet Eva knew that they were in danger being out in the open like this without the protection of the pack, many rouges come through this land will attack anyone who gets in their way. She tried to stand up once again with Lisa's help and was able to lean against the car while Lisa opened the door to get in.

After she got comfortable on the back seat, Lisa closed the door and got back in the passenger seat. She noticed Lisa taking a pause for a moment before starting the car back up, she knew that Tom was probably mind linking her to see how she was doing. She didn't want Tom to get distracted by her again like last time.

Tom's POV

Him and his other trackers had been running for most of the night now and he was starting to wonder how his mate and pup were doing, so he mind linked Lisa.

" How is my mate, is she ok, does she need me ? ", he asked getting concerned.

" She's fine Alpha, we just had to take a little break and let her get comfortable in the back seat."

" Just be sure that if something goes wrong or she needs me for anything, you let me know".

" Yes, Alpha", Lisa said before cutting of the mind link.

2 more hours had gone by and Tom could tell they were getting close to their pack lands, the only problem was that they had to go through the 'Stonewall Pack's territory. He knew that it was dangerous if they knew Eva was passing through with little protection, Tom picked up his pace faster wanting to get home. As they started crossing through their rivals territory, Tom could smell the scent of Damon's warriors on the breeze meaning that they were close by and still on patrol. He decided to mind link Lisa and tell her to get Eva home faster in case they were being followed.

" Get Luna home fast, we're in enemy territory. In case your attacked keep Luna safe, the future of the pack depends on it." he said urgently.

" I will do my best for our Luna, Alpha," she replied.

Just as he had cut off the mind link, there was a loud howl he knew was Damon's. His wolf became furious, the last time he vowed never to let Damon live if they crossed paths again and now that time had come and he was determined to keep that promise.

Alpha TomWhere stories live. Discover now